3 essential oils that are safe for pregnancy

Essential oil use in pregnancy is controversial, but experts like Robert Tisserand, and the International Federation of Professional ...

5 Ways to Bring the Feminine into Your Yoga Practice

If you’ve had a rajastic ashtanga practice for years (I did!), then the concept of a ‘feminine’ yoga ...

Why Female Yogis and Attuned to the Moon

People always ask me: Why the obsession with the moon? WTF does the moon have to do with ...

Best Yoga Poses For The Bits We Hate

????Top Yoga Practices for Women's Least Favourite Jiggly Bits???? ????Yoga is not about looking good, but most of ...

Integrating Yoga Into Your Life as a Mother

????First off, don’t feel bad about missing your pre-baby life. Even though you’re obviously delighted to be a ...

Why Women Need YogaBellies not Yoga

But really why do yoga in the first place? You know that exercise is good for you. You’ve probably ...

Why You Shouldn’t Rush Back to a Normal Yoga Practice After Birth

Today women are expected to be on their feet and into normal life right after birth. Keep in mind ...

5 Reasons Why Women Experience Different Benefits from Yoga than Men

On the most obvious level, biologically men and women are different. The physical practice of Yoga that we ...

5 At-Home Workouts That Don’t Require Equipment

1. Yoga Yoga can be done with no equipment. Though you may immediately think of things like yoga ...

Nourish Your Body With These Recipes

Yoga can help relax the body and mind. Yet, if you aren’t nourishing your body with a healthy ...