When it comes to finding more meaning in your life outside of being a mum, it’s no secret that having a career or a hobby for yourself is crucial. Otherwise, every day feels exactly the same as the last.

But even though you're managing to meet your friends after the gym for a coffee and are meditating to try to manage your frustrations, these mini acts of self-care here and there, don’t even scratch the surface. You know that you are meant for more.

Don’t even get me started on the generic tips that you always hear:

  • Read this book and listen to this podcast;
  • Take a pottery class or start writing about how you feel in a journal;
  • Get a ‘morning routine’ and batch-cook your meals, so you’ve got time to go to yoga in the evening.

That's great - but no one ever tells you how to live a life that allows you to look great and feel FULFILLED, in a way that goes beyond joining a book group.


If you’re feeling like you are …

😒 Stuck in Groundhog Day every day and know you need to do something more meaningful with your life right now or you'll completely lose your mind
😒 Letting yourself go and feeling like you're failing at everything (hello mum guilt) you want your mojo back so you can start looking and feeling good so you can feel proud of YOU again.
😒 Constantly stuffing your feelings aside and putting on a smiling face to keep everyone else happy while your resentment chips away at you every day…

I get it. I used to be there. But let me tell you -

My yogic approach to life is SPECIFICALLY designed for real women, with the purpose of bringing more meaning to their lives, in a way that naturally supports their health, well-being and desire to be more than “just a mum." There is a way to turn this whole situation around...

All of it!

Here's what some of our EMPOWER Graduates said:

What if there was a way you could get your mojo back with a fulfilling career that actually 'makes a difference.' BUT you're also able to do the school run; have time for date night; take holidays whenever you like and enjoy the occasional guilt-free daytime trip to the hairdressers?

I get it, I used to really struggle with balance.

Not just with my work and personal life, but with my physical and mental health. I neglected myself and it wasn’t until I discovered the yogic approach to life as a woman that my life completely changed - for good.

I started aligning my yoga practice to what I was experiencing in life and started teaching this yoga to real women, of all ages.

This is when EVERYTHING transformed…

  • I regulated my non-existent menstrual cycle and fell pregnant with my son and helped other women do the same;
  • My birth was incredible - a comfortable 5-hour childbirth with no drugs required;
  • Teaching yoga as a post-partum mum meant that (Caelen and I) met new mum friends for life and built a community of women supporting women;
  • Perimenopause has been a breeze - minimal symptoms and looking and feeling better than I did in my twenties!
  • I built a successful yoga business without compromising on time with my family, and have trained hundreds of YogaBellies teachers worldwide who are changing women’s lives every single day!

And the best part?

I wake up every day so excited that I'm living my purpose of teaching yoga and supporting women, knowing that I am making a difference in their lives and how they show up for themselves and their families.

Since then I have packaged my 25+ years of experience together in a 6-month teacher training with a twist. I've taken over 500 women all of the world through this programme and have watched them take control of their health, rediscover happiness, find their purpose and start profitable yoga businesses, I know it can happen for you too.

Imagine living in alignment with your beliefs and values every day, knowing that you are changing lives with your knowledge and expertise (and you've never looked or felt better)?

Here is a glimpse into your future:

You bounce out of bed feeling refreshed because you slept like a log. You wake up to several 'pings' from PayPal with payments from excited mums and women dying to join your classes. They already found you on the YogaBellies website - you’ve literally made money while you were asleep.

There’s no ‘start time’ when you have your own business, so you do 20 minutes of yoga then grab your coffee to go and drop the kids to school and have fun hopping on your socials and bringing new clients into your business.

At mid-day you head to class (and it's your favourite because it's for mums and baby and you get tons of baby cuddles.) After tea and biscuits with the mums, you pack up and head off to a yoga class with your favourite teacher. After class, you catch up with your friend, who tells you you've never looked better in your life and you can't stop smiling because you've never felt better either. You know you've found your calling and this yogic lifestyle really agrees with you.

Before you know it, it's time for the school run again and you're taking the kids to swimming. While you're filming them splashing them in the water, you get another payment notification on your phone that reminds you that you're building the life that you always dreamed of.

Are you ready to change your life and make a wave of positive impact with yoga?

The moment you join you will get immediate access to 25+ years of yogic women’s health knowledge that will empower you as a yoga teacher and support other women in balancing hormones, boosting energy levels, and increasing fertility success.

EMPOWER Is Perfect For

EMPOWER is for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of yoga and its benefits for women throughout various life stages. Whether you're a dedicated yoga practitioner, an aspiring yoga teacher, a qualified yoga teacher looking to specialize in yoga for women, or a birth, baby, or wellness entrepreneur looking to expand your skill set, EMPOWER has something for you.

yoga lovers

For dedicated yoga lovers, EMPOWER is the perfect opportunity to deepen your practice and gain expert knowledge on how yoga can help you navigate female challenges and changes.

aspiring yoga teachers

Aspiring yoga teachers will benefit from the in-depth expert knowledge on how to teach yoga through the key female life stages and transitions - no need to start with a 200 hour course, EMPOWER covers everything you need to know!

qualified yoga teachers

Qualified yoga teache will gain the confidence to advise their female students on the best yoga practices for the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, postpartum with baby, and throughout menopause. You'll save thousands on training fees and join a high-quality, and world-recognized yoga alliance international accredited 300/500-hour course.

birth, baby and wellness entrepreneurs

Wellness entrepreneurs will benefit from learning yoga practices that will help their female clients throughout life, adding to their existing toolkit. You'll gain a deeper understanding of what's going in your own body and im turn, better support your female clients. Teamed with expert yoga business mentoring (from someone who's actually done it), learn how to turn your flagging business around

" This course has been transformational in so many ways. First and foremost it has given me the confidence I previously lacked, not only to become a yoga teacher but to believe in myself and in my own potential.
The information covered in each module I have found to be fascinating, not only as an aspiring yoga teacher but as a woman in general. Knowledge I can now retain, and share, for a lifetime.
The support from the ladies on the course has been special, very grateful to have shared this journey with some wonderful ladies.
The online aspect of the course has been particularly advantageous to myself as it has allowed me to manage the course around family life and study at a time that is convenient for myself."

- Carol MacPhee *****

"I have loved this journey and don't want it to end.
There is a lot of very useful information. Each module is clear and has plenty for us to go through. The business module was the hardest for me to get my head around and was good to have some short sessions on different business topics together in small groups. I love all the anatomy information and all the self-care and development. It is very useful and something that will help us as women and also yoga teachers. Thank you for all these beautiful moments. I hope we have many more."

- Elena Borello *****

"I started Empower in the trenches of post-natal depression after my first son’s birth. I found motherhood transformational but overwhelming. I was living in a city with no real friends, so I felt a little lost. I have always been interested in practising yoga, living an ayurvedic lifestyle and living in harmony with mother nature.
This is when I came across Empower and decided to go for it.
Empower has given me much more than my yoga teacher training qualification. It has given me my mojo back, my confidence and self-belief and a deep, enriched understanding of how my yogic lifestyle can help me live my best life.
I recommend this course to anyone – you don’t need to be a yoga expert, bendy, or an Instagram model; you need to be a female looking to empower your life for the better!
I cannot recommend it enough! Sign up now."

- Abigail Sherlock *****

**EMPOWER Is A Complete Women's Yoga and Wellness Programme Worth Over £12,000!!**

On Completion of EMPOWER You Will Be A...

Woman With A Plan

Having identified what you REALLY want from life, we'll help you put together your bespoke plan to work through your personal blocks and focus on your yoga, lifestyle and business goals. It's like 5 years of therapy at once! (Value £2000)

Accredited Women's Yoga Teacher

On completion of all of the coursework, you will be able to register as a Yoga Alliance International 300-Hour Yoga Teacher, specializing in Yoga for Women. (Value £4500)

Post-Natal Yoga Teacher

Qualified to work with women after birth during the postpartum period, offering yoga, advice and support. (Value £800)

Baby Yoga Teacher

Qualified to teach yoga for babies! This can be incorporated into mum and baby yoga classes or taught as baby yoga alone. (Value £700)

Infant Massage Instructor

BONUS YogaBellies Baby Massage Instructor training so that you can offer baby massage or YogaBellies NURTURE classes, incorporating postpartum Ayurveda for mum and baby. (Value £700)

Pregnancy Yoga Teacher

Fully qualified to teach safe and therapeutic YogaBellies practices for pregnancy and childbirth. (Value £800)

Menstrual Cycle & Seasonal Yoga Teacher

Qualified to use yoga practices to work with women throughout the menstrual and lunar cycles and also throughout the seasons of the year. (Value £800)

Menopause Yoga Teacher

Fully qualified to teach yoga and wellness to women over 40 through every stage of menopause and beyond. (Value £900)

Yoga Business Rockstar

Ready to start, grow or expand your own Yoga Teaching business with our ongoing coaching and mentoring. (Value £3000) You will also get 6 month's free subscription to our YogaBellies Licensed Teacher programme and unlimited access to our teachers' yoga and business resources, your own mini-website and use of the brand - no obligation to renew! (Value £250)

Book a Free Yoga Teacher Roadmap Session with Cheryl

We know that embarking on a new journey can be scary, which is why we're offering a Free Yoga Teacher Roadmap Session with our amazing founder, Cheryl. During this session, you'll get a chance to chat with Cheryl one-on-one about the Empower Yoga Teacher Training program and decide if it's the right fit for you.
Plus, as a bonus, you'll receive a PDF copy of the roadmap plan to take away with you. This way, you can refer back to it whenever you need a reminder of why you decided to take the leap and pursue your passion.

Why should you book a Free Yoga Teacher Roadmap Session with Cheryl?

Well, for starters, she's an absolute delight to talk to. Her positive energy and passion for yoga are infectious, and you'll leave the session feeling inspired and ready to take on the world.

Not only that, but Cheryl is an experienced yoga teacher with a wealth of knowledge to share. She'll walk you through the programme's curriculum, answer any questions you might have, and help you determine if Empower Yoga Teacher Training is the right step for you to take.

So what are you waiting for? Book your Free Yoga Teacher Roadmap Session with Cheryl today and take the first step towards living your best yoga life!

Sign Up Now for Immediate Access to EMPOWER

The Yoga Teacher Training and Female Empowerment Programme You Need

YES! I'm Ready To Change My Life

Meet The Teacher

Cheryl MacDonald, BA (Hons) PgDip Psy., E-RYT 500

If you're feeling overwhelmed with trying to balance work, family, and everything in between, I completely understand. As a busy mum myself, I know firsthand how hard it can be to find time for yourself and take care of your physical and mental health.

That's why I created the Empower Programme, to help women like you discover the amazing benefits of yoga and how it can change your life. With over 100,000 women having attended YogaBellies classes worldwide, I'm confident that this programme can help you too.

Everything I teach in the Empower Programme, I apply to my own life. And I've trained hundreds of YogaBellies teachers, worked with celebrities, and even won awards for my work as a women's yoga teacher. I've been featured in various publications and TV shows, including The Huffington Post, BBC Dragon's Den, and ITV's This Morning.

So if you're tired of trying to twist yourself into knots practicing yoga created for men, let me show you a better way - the style of yoga I created specifically for the female mind, body and soul: YogaBellies. And with my proven track record of success, you can trust that the Empower Programme will help you feel great about yourself, have tons of time and energy, and create a life you love.

Don't just take my word for it though, here are some of the awards I've won over the years: LuxLife Most Inspirational Women's Yoga Teacher 2021, The Great British Entrepreneur Award 2019, and Woman of the Year Award 2014, just to name a few.

Join the thousands of women who have already transformed their lives with the Empower Programme. Sign up today and start experiencing the unique benefits yoga can bring to your life.

Why EMPOWER Is Different From Other Yoga Teacher Trainings

  • This is the only yoga teacher training created by women for women. It's not about following traditional male yoga practices. We're focused on understanding the female anatomy, psyche, and emotions, so that the women you teach can reap the most benefits from yoga at every life stage. The best part is that you are supported by a global community of women cheering you on as you evolve and grow as a teacher.
  • Empower Yoga Teacher Training Programme isn't for yoga snobs or filled with intimidating terminology. You can leave your school memories of assignments and exams at the door because we're all about one-to-one and group mentoring in a fun, friendly environment.
  • It's not a contest for the best headstand or an Instagram showcase; the best yoga teachers excel at instructing and adapting postures for their students (even if they can't do them themselves), taking into account what's going on with their female students: body, mind, and soul.
  • Forget having to leave the kids every weekend for a year (not to mention the travel time and accommodation costs!) Our interactive programme is accessible online from home and equips you to teach and support women confidently after just 6 months, saving time and money so that you can focus on getting that work-life balance right from the start.
  • Our training isn't a cookie-cutter hatha yoga course where you're stuck in a class of fifty others and we churn out identikit teachers. This is the only teacher training that is customised to meet your needs, starting with your very own bespoke Empower plan to make sure you get exactly what you need.

So, if you're ready for a yoga teacher training experience that breaks the mould and truly empowers you, look no further than YogaBellies Empower Yoga Teacher Training Programme.

Guest Experts and Senior Yoga Teacher Team

Our EMPOWER Teacher Training also has a number of Guest Experts and Senior Yoga Teacher Mentors from across the globe (United Kingdom, Singapore, Dubai and Thailand!) These women's yoga and health experts will lead sessions throughout the programme.

What Some of Our EMPOWER Graduates Have Said:

"This has changed my life - even if I hadn't wanted to become a Yoga teacher for babies and Mums and women, I would have done this. It covers everything and more and Cheryl has left no stone unturned to equip us all with the tools to live a better life on and off the mat! Thank you, Fee x

Fee Speed RYT-300
EMPOWER Graduate and Kids Yoga Teacher

"Having taught and practiced yoga for over a decade I had never come across the style and form that the Empower 300 Hour YTT contained. I really enjoyed the depth of focus on topics often ignored (such as the different stages of a woman’s life). I thoroughly enjoyed the content and the community formed between the students and look forward to keeping in touch as we each move forwards in our own way.

Kim Katre RYT-500
EMPOWER Graduate and Existing Yoga Teacher 200-Hour

"EMPOWER was everything I was looking for and more. I was at a loss with where to start becoming a women's yoga teacher. It has given me confidence and renewed energy. I wasn't sure how I would find the online aspect of the course, but it gave me the flexibility around my young family and I could catch up on my own time and the nest was perfect for additional support. We are women supporting women and it's brilliant. I wish EMPOWER wasn't ending because I have loved it so much.

Georgie Ward RYT-300
EMPOWER Graduate

Sign Up Now for Immediate Access to EMPOWER

The Yoga Teacher Training and Female Empowerment Programme You Need

YES! I'm Ready To Change My Life

Watch YogaBellies on ITV's This Morning
with Phil and Holly

Cheryl and her YogaBellies Teachers demonstrate Yoga for Mum and Baby on Live TV

What EMPOWER Students Have Said

Read More Graduates Testimonials

"If anyone is considering Empower my advice would be simple…do it! As a health professional/ Physio who is addicted to learning, I can honestly say this is one of the best courses I have completed.
I enjoyed the opportunity to really learn all about yoga and how it can have a positive impact on females and how to tailor yoga appropriately to get the best outcome both physically and psychologically.
Each of the modules was thorough with educational workbooks, live classes, and support from Cheryl. I could fit my learning around my work and home schedule.
From a Physiotherapist's point of view, this has been great for my practice. The feedback from my clients has been excellent and I have loved seeing them reap the benefits of the knowledge and skills I have gained.
It really is a life-changing opportunity on both a professional and personal level. I for one have learned so much about myself and how to optimize my own health and well-being and for that, I will be forever grateful.

- Joanne Shaw

Physiotherapist and Yoga Teacher

"I signed up for the Empower purely from the perspective of wanting to become a yoga teacher working with ladies in pregnancy and postnatally, but the course has offered so much more than that.
It is truly a course that every female at every life stage will benefit from. I have not only learned so much about yoga, but I have also learned about the wonders of the human body, our hormones, the impact of our environment, the importance of diet and nutrition, the wonder of aromatherapy and most importantly about myself.
I have already been commenting to my female friends and family members about how can we not know this stuff - how is it not taught in schools or in families... I really look forward to using what I have learned for myself as I progress through life, as well as offering a wonderful yoga practice for other ladies."

- Beth Thomas

EMPOWER Graduate

"I loved it! The content is relevant to me and the different stages of my life (I began peri-menopause within 12 months of having a baby) and is also giving me the knowledge and understanding I need to become a yoga teacher.
I fit the course around work and family life, and although I found everything a little overwhelming initially, I’ve come to realise that’s how I react to anything new! Once I got my head around the schedule and got organised, I loved it. Cheryl is always on hand to help if we have any issues and her knowledge and own journey are truly inspiring."

- Jeanie Mannion

EMPOWER Graduate

Training Resources To Suit All Styles of Learning

Access from your mobile, laptop, iPad or keep a physical copy

Handbooks, online resources, yoga videos, audio, cheat sheets, live and recorded yoga practice sessions and lectures, Asana manuals and more.

More Student Testimonials

“In the past, I have enjoyed yoga (asana) meditation, eating well, reading, podcasts, and self-care and insight into the self. Following postnatal depression, these were the things that pulled me out of it in the end, not the antidepressants prescribed. After learning about the 5 doshas, I realize all of these practices were part of the yogic lifestyle. I've found all the different aspects of this course so interesting so far. The Vikalpha section made me cry, in a good way. When you asked us “Who do you want to be”

Katie-Anne D

"I am already starting to see how this course can help me feel more 'empowered' as a woman, to honour all the different aspects of being female. This course is helping me gain confidence. In your handbook, you talk about 'Yogabellies does not promote a flat belly and welcomes all the natural curves of a woman.' This is my Vikalpha, my self-doubt. Something that may seem so insignificant to some people but which has haunted me for years. Having IBS especially and gaining weight after two kids means I most likely will always have a round, bloated belly. I have often hidden away, turning down social events and only daring to dream that I could be a yoga teacher."

Jemma S

"The content is absolutely amazing, so much information. I feel like I am learning way more than I ever realized I could"

Fiona S

Wouldn't it be great to have all your yoga classes, recordings, handbooks, cheat sheets, and live lessons in one place, accessible at the click of a button?

Well, we've made it happen! We're thrilled to introduce our custom YogaBellies app, designed just for you.

For busy women and mums like you, we get it - life can be hectic! That's why we've created this app to streamline your teacher training journey. No more email searches or juggling platforms. Everything you need is now at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere, right from your phone or any device.

Submit assignments, take exams, stream live or recorded sessions - all in one place. Picture this: your living room transformed into your personal yoga studio and classroom!

Stay updated effortlessly with important announcements and connect with Cheryl, senior YogaBellies teachers, and your classmates in the app community. We're here to support you every step of the way.

What sets EMPOWER apart? We've tailored our training to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle. With our app, learning and connecting become second nature, allowing you to focus on your journey to becoming an amazing YogaBellies teacher. 🌟

EMPOWER Is Different Because...

We Start With YOU.

We look at what's been holding you back and make a plan to get to the other side. It's equal parts feminine yoga, personal empowerment and business training. You WILL learn how to transform every aspect of your life from a world-recognized yoga expert and business leader.

This training will enable you to grow into an empowered leader, with all of the skills you need to take your unique feminine yoga practice to your own tribe.

YES! I'm Ready To Get Started!

200-hour Yoga Teacher Certification IS NOT REQUIRED

All yogis are welcome on this beautiful journey - whether you ever want to teach or not!

Book a Free Yoga Teacher Roadmap Session with Cheryl

Katieanne Duncan-Bruce RYT-300

EMPOWER Graduate Case Study

"Hi, I’m Katie! Last year I completed the 300-Hour Yoga Alliance International accredited Women’s Yoga and Empowerment Teacher Training called ‘Empower’. My background is in the Entertainment industry and I have over a decade of professional experience. Holding a BA(Hons) in Dance, I have worked around the world as a performer as well as in various production and management roles. However, the proudest yet most significant moment of my life was the birth of my identical twin boys Alfie & Charlie.

The challenges I faced physically and mentally during and after my multiple pregnancies are what drove me to become a yoga teacher. Following my C-Section, I needed further 2 abdominal surgeries. This saw me dig into the depths of my physical and mental health. I was working full-time as a Dance Teacher & Team Leader in the Central Belt of Scotland. I loved it but thought about expanding my repertoire and had always taken an interest in yoga.

Intuitively, it felt like the correct step to seek out this opportunity and at the perfect time – after relocating to my hometown in the North East of Scotland after 17 years away. I had heard about YogaBellies many years ago and saw Cheryl & Mike on Dragon’s Den. I was inspired by the business model and had been following them for a while. When I saw ‘Empower’ advertised I looked into it and immediately knew I wanted to add another string to the bow.

I wanted to invest in good quality training and the programme was unlike anything I’d ever seen before. The timing was perfect for me! With the course being delivered online, it enabled live interaction with Cheryl from Singapore and other Senior YogaBellies Teachers from across the globe. The final module – Soulful Entrepreneur: Business, Branding, Leadership & Productivity was my favourite. Having Cheryl as a mentor all the way through has been so inspiring and really invaluable. She is so knowledgeable, welcoming and down to earth – a fantastic role model. The training included assignments and assessments, practice teaching, yoga teaching video submissions, modules quizzes, regular yoga practice, completing a reading list and actively working on my personal Empower plan.

I have learned so much during EMPOWER and can’t wait to get started with my plans. I feel confident in what I have learned so far and I’m excited about the future! I am now running a range of successful YogaBellies classes in my area as well as launching my own business offering workshops fused with dance and yoga.

I am truly grateful for the experiences and destinations my career has taken me and look forward to this next chapter of my journey. My twin boys are what have shaped me into the person I want to be today and I hope my experiences are what will help my future clients."

More EMPOWER Graduate Testimonials

"I can honestly see why the course is called Empower. It’s so inspiring to me as a female. The wealth of information is amazing and will keep me invested to keep learning for years to come! Even if you do not want to teach at the end of it, I’m still on a bit of a journey with this 😊 The things you learn about yourself for your own personal development are great.

I love the content. I’m a busy working mum of two kids so I do wish I had more time to spend on the course as I love it but I’m trying to give myself more time for myself. That’s one of the things this teaches us. It’s not optional to look after ourselves as women, it’s essential. I’ve loved getting to know Cheryl who I think is the most incredible woman I’ve ever come across and the other ladies who are all so supportive."

Nicola Emmett

EMPOWER Graduate

"I enrolled on the course with little yoga experience feeling excited and nervous all in one! The support from Cheryl and the ladies also enrolled is great, we are all learning together.
The course has lots of information and I had a lot to learn, this can be done in my own time which is great around family life and work. I’m so happy I decided to enroll, it’s life-changing! Absolutely amazing!"

EMPOWER Graduate

The Complete Curriculum

Pre-Course: YogaBellies Basics

This foundation module is completed online before you begin any of the live modules. On completion of this module, you will have a 1-2-1 call with Cheryl to help your create your customized EMPOWER plan.

  • Learn about YogaBellies beginnings and the foundation and theory behind what we do.
  • Creating a safe container, crafting ritual and holding space for optimal healing for you and your clients
  • Learn about The YogaBellies Sadhana, the practice and system we apply throughout the female life stages to optimize our yoga practice for overall wellness and vitality.
  • SENSE: Learn about YogaBellies grounding, embodiment and sensory practices, connecting to ourselves and aligning with our external and internal environment, to find equilibrium
  • BREATHE: Explore the YogaBellies Key Pranayama practices for women's health
  • MOVE: Discover the 29 key YogaBellies Asana, chosen for their therapeutic benefits for women throughout life.
  • SLEEP: Uncover YogaBellies unique practice for the deepest level of relaxation. Our blend of self-hypnosis, yoga Nidra, affirmations and nada yoga take Savasana to a different level.
  • CIRCLE: Understand the importance of ‘the village’ for all women

Module 1: Empower YOU

This foundation module will help you focus and align as you embark on your EMPOWER journey. We'll uncover your true values, beliefs and why you're really walking this path. We'll explore The YogaBellies Sadhana and how to apply this to living your life and that of your clients.

  • Learn about YogaBellies beginnings and the foundation and theory behind what we do.
  • An introduction to working with women, understanding your goals and blocks and overcoming them, and creating your life strategy.
  • Looking at challenging and changing beliefs: Samskara, Sankalpa, Vikalpa and Vasanas. Releasing Fear & Owning Your Desires. How to deal with the limiting beliefs holding you back from your vision–and put them to bed once and for all!
  • Stop holding yourself back. How to release your obvious and not-so-obvious fears and cultivate serious confidence in who you are, what you do and what you desire. This includes examining your purpose and messaging and how to get clarity on your vision.
  • Uncover the #1 belief you must cultivate if you want to feel confident in your work and earn what you're worth.
  • Explore the basics of Ayurveda for women: The Doshas, practical lifestyle considerations for optimal yoga-living

Module 2. Cycles and Seasons

In this module, we will dive deep into the roots of feminine yoga and the relevance of the Goddess archetype in embracing each life stage. We’ll learn about female physiology and how to adapt our yoga practice throughout the month in a way that's therapeutic and feels good. We’re going to embrace the life stage we're in and watch our energy levels and lust for life soar as we reconnect with our true nature

  • Dive deep into the roots of women in yoga and discover why it's essential that women have a unique yoga practice from men;
  • Learn about the role of the Goddess and how we can embrace Maiden, Mother, Enchantress, and Crone archetypes throughout life for our personal empowerment;
  • Learn why every female life stage is incredible and how to tune into the positive elements of each;
  • Learn about the female reproductive anatomy and the physiology of the menstrual cycle and why this information is important and empowering for all women;
  • Understand the influence and relevance of the lunar cycle to the female life and monthly cycles and why tuning into lunar energy can improve our personal wellness and help alleviate symptoms such as insomnia and anxiety;
  • Learn how to chart and regulate your menstrual cycle (or the lunar cycle if you don’t menstruate!) and why it’s essential to be aware of where we are at in our cycle;
  • Understand the phases of the menstrual and lunar cycles, so that you are able to plan your life around your hormonal peaks and troughs, by tuning into your natural energy levels, instead of fighting against them!
  • Learn how to adapt your yoga practice for every stage of the menstrual cycle, so that yoga feels good all month long!;
  • Learn yoga asana and practices to aid hormone-related ailments such as cramps; irregular periods; menstrual migraines; irregular periods and mood swings;
  • Learn the YogaBellies method (The Sadhana) of Sense Breathe Move Sleep Circle to create (and teach) complete yoga sequences with all of the essential elements required for a therapeutic women's yoga practice;
  • Explore how to adopt the correct feminine self-care practices and rituals for each stage of the menstrual cycle;
  • Explore the Wheel of the Year and learn how to adapt your yoga practice and lifestyle by living in season;
  • You’ll connect with and learn from like-minded women who are ready to embrace a feminine yoga practice as part of the YogaBellies community

"This was my favourite module alongside The Crone, It has taught me to honour my body and mind during different menstrual phases. The thing I connected with the most was the seasonal changes and how these can affect the body and mind and how we should work with the seasons rather than against them."

- Nicola Emmett*****

"I have been educated on something that happens to me on a monthly basis, absolutely amazing. I had no idea about my period before this module. Thank you for educating me. Surely this should be taught to teenagers, it would certainly take the awkwardness away from the topic. Really informative. It just makes sense!
Also, the Moon? I think I am a new fan of the Moon. I will be journalling and hopefully be in sync with the Moon someday."

- Victoria Morton *****

This is a fascinating course, with so many learnings apply that can improving our lives and the lives of our students. It offers life -long learning as there are so many themes that can play a crucial part in inspiring our teaching of yoga. I have absolutely loved this course and would recommend to anyone to partake to further inspire their practice.
Loved the live classes, the video learning style and interactive practice."

- Abi Sherlock *****

Module 3: Embracing the Crone

This module explores the female body, mind, and soul as we begin to age, moving through the stages of menopause. Healthy aging practices combined with therapeutic yoga for common female conditions over 40. Understand the importance of hormones and how yoga can be used to balance hormonal fluctuations throughout life.

  • Explore the beauty of perimenopause, menopause and what lies beyond. Uncover what women are experiencing at these times, on all levels. Understand the benefits of yoga for menopause and how to work with women to alleviate the most common symptoms.
  • Identify the signs and symptoms for each stage of the Menopause and learn yoga practices for relief of symptoms
  • Learn about the power of the Crone archetype and how to embrace her power in our everyday life

  • Understand the role and importance of hormones in the female lifecycle. Discover how to use yoga to stimulate the endocrine system and balance hormonal fluctuations, not just in menopause, but throughout life.
  • Explore the various types of hormone testing available for women and whether they are necessary
  • Use the YogaBellies Sadhana of Sense Breath Move Sleep Circle to work with women throughout perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause.
  • Explore common female conditions throughout life and key risk factors for women as they age. Learn what adjustments we can make to our yoga practice to benefit our clients.
  • Understanding female anatomy and physiology as related to menopause and learning the BAPs practices. Discover the importance of working in the correct way with the BAPs (back, abs and pelvic floor) during menopause to strengthen the key seat of women's health
  • Exploring hormone-balancing nutrition and self-care for Menopause and living a hormone-healthy lifestyle, including aromatherapy, herbs and supplements for optimal health

"I absolutely loved this training. I found the content incredibly fascinating and thought-provoking in what lies ahead in my own future but also the possibilities to support my clients. It seems crazy that this isn’t spoken about more, or indeed support isn’t as readily available as it should be. I will definitely be taking my training forward to offer classes in the future in this area. I loved the mix of videos and workbooks and lives - and the range of speakers/teachers too. Thank you."

- Alice Drewett *****

"I knew that women and what our bodies are capable of made us amazing, but this module offered a deeper insight into just how incredible we are given what our bodies go through and are challenged with everyday... at every changing stage of life.
I learnt so much more then I knew, and can't wait to continue my learning/research into this area in order to benefit and help as many women as possible.
Loved it!"

- Amy brunt *****

"Fab module with lots of golden nuggets of information that will improve your life instantly! The hormones play such a crucial role throughout our life that I don’t know why women are not taught this information as part of our education. If you are over 40 and want to feel your best, I’d highly recommend. If you’re a yoga teacher and want to add something new to your classes then this is an incredible element to offer over 40 females."

- Abigail Sherlock *****

Module 4. Birthing the Mother

This module covers all aspects of the perinatal period and the effects of pregnancy on the physical and emotional states of the mother. We also cover The Sadhana for pregnancy and birth and how to support women at this life stage.

  • The unique, world-renowned YogaBellies for Pregnancy Sadhana or method, which helps mothers have an optimal pregnancy and comfortable birth.
  • Yoga practices, meditation and self-care that is not only safe but therapeutic for pregnancy and birth. YogaBellies only uses postures and practices specifically beneficial for pregnant women.
  • How to approach pregnancy naturally and give mum and baby the best possible chance for optimal health throughout.
  • Prepare for a fast and comfortable birth, free from fear and anxiety and learn positions and practices for natural birthing.
  • Find out about what to expect for mum and baby, the incredible journey of psychological and physiological changes that a woman travels , guided each step of the way by world-class experts in prenatal yoga and wellness.
  • How to pregnancy-related alleviate ailments such as morning sickness; SPD and sciatica and more, using your YogaBellies practice.
  • Anatomy and physiology during pregnancy, how organs function during pregnancy, an overview of the complications, including miscarriage, premature labour, hypertension, preeclampsia and body mechanics.
  • Examine the incredible journey of psychological and physiological changes that a woman travels during pregnancy and childbirth. Human anatomy and physiology (both physical and subtle body) related specifically to considerations during pregnancy.
  • Dive into the female reproductive system and the YogaBellies BAP's philosophy, that women must maintain the integrity of the Back, Abs and Pelvic Floor, during pregnancy and beyond.
  • Find out how holistic birthing practices, nutrition, and supplementary treatments can benefit your clients during pregnancy and birth
  • YogaBellies SLEEP practices (our blend of self-hypnosis, yoga nidra and nada yoga) for pregnancy, that will help relax and destress your clients from conception to birth
  • This is a guided deep-dive into living a yoga lifestyle for pregnancy and birth.

"I was so looking forward to this module. It was the topic that I thought I knew most about and also the one I wanted to learn more about. After teaching for over a decade, I felt that I was becoming a bit stale and needed to update my knowledge and this module ticked all of my boxes.
I’m teaching in a slightly different way now and I really enjoyed having feedback from the rest of the ladies taking the modules with me."

- Sharon Osu *****

"I thoroughly enjoyed this module, particularly as I am currently pregnant so I found that what I was learning was beneficial to me personally as well as professionally. Now when I speak to mums to be, I feel amazed that the knowledge I have learnt during this course is not common knowledge. This module was both insightful and practical! Thank you!!"

- Kathryn Trillow *****

"Completing this module has been cathartic for me. I personally did not have a good pregnancy or labour but feel had I have been better informed and supported this would have made a huge difference. I have realised things about my own pregnancy that I did not know at the time. It has helped me heal. It has given me the knowledge to go on and share all this with other women who are pregnant, to create a supportive and positive experience for them."

- Nicola Emmett *****

Module 5: Mother and Child

This module delves into the post-partum world of mother and newborn. We look at post-natal self-care and nourishing, the importance of the Sangha and the mother’s physical and emotional wellbeing. We look at the use of The Sadhana post-natally for mum – but also for baby, using baby yoga and infant massage techniques.

  • Learn everything you need to know about postpartum anatomy and physiology. What is mum going through at every stage of the fourth trimester and beyond emotionally, physically and spiritually.
  • Use the YogaBellies Sadhana of Sense Breath Move Sleep to work with postpartum mum - with and without baby.
  • Principles of postnatal recovery (core-realignment, pelvic joint stabilization and decompression of the spine, by means of gentle isotonic stretches using deep abdominal breathing and some bandhas)
  • Progression of Asanas after childbirth. Simple teaching points ensure safe transition from yoga class to home practice, applicable to both experienced yogini and women new to yoga. 
  • Postnatal relaxation with baby and without baby: integration of the birth experience; postnatal self-nurturing practices; principles of integrative relaxation and self-referral for calming self and baby 
  • Postnatal yoga to address common complaints (weak pelvic floor, instability of pelvic joints, lower back pain, neck and shoulder pain, split abdominal muscles
  • Explore the powerful journey into motherhood and the psychological and physiological changes that a woman goes through after childbirth.
  • Understand the critical stages of post-natal recovery and the key health themes of the fourth trimester. Identify key risk factors to look out for in class; what changes mum should expect and what adjustments we can make to benefit mother become comfortable in her new post-partum body.
  • Learn about the importance of healthy BAPs (back, abs and pelvic floor) in the postnatal period and how to begin safely working with these key areas for full recovery. Learn about core activation and working with Diastasis Recti.
  • Learn the yogabellies SLEEP practices (our blend of self-hypnosis, yoga nidra and nada yoga) beneficial for mum AND baby, to allow the deepest levels of relaxation and rejuvenation.
  • Explore YogaBellies baby yoga postures for infants and toddlers to incorporate into your class: Why they are beneficial and how they can assist their growth, development and overall health.
  • Become a qualified YogaBellies NURTURE/Baby Massage Instructor , looking at how baby massage benefits both mum and baby and how to teach a class

"This course is literally everything you need to know to teach Mother and Baby yoga - and it’s even more than just yoga.
I have been teaching for a while and literally immersed myself back into postnatal classes with a renewed vigour and a change in style and content that I feel has been necessary for a while.
My favourite module so far x"

- Sharon Osu *****

"This module really highlights the importance of caring for the mother as well as the baby post natally. The body goes through so much in pregnancy and I loved that the focus was on supporting mum both mentally and physically as she emerges into her new role as mother. I loved the baby yoga poses and learning about how these simple movements can help with their development. I think unfortunately, women are not supported in this country as well as they could be after having a baby, which has made me more passionate about creating a village for all mums as we all need it. "

- Kathryn Trillow*****

"This is the reason I wanted to do this course, I really look forward to teaching Mum and Baby yoga. I found Jess, Ellies and Taras class run throughs brilliant. 'Funny Walks' from Jess' class is something I will definitely add into my class plan. I couldn't see Siobhan in her presentation. Thank you once again Cheryl."

- Victoria Morton *****

Module 6. Soulful Entrepreneur

In this module, multiple-business award winner, Cheryl will teach you everything she knows about creating an international yoga business and brand. REAL Business training to help you determine what is your soul purpose, who are your niche clients, how to create an ethical brand and develop your leadership and productivity skills.

  • Embrace a positive money mindset and become comfortable with charging what you are worth
  • Craft your personal vision for life, your mission statement and create a clear business plan
  • How to create your soulful brand identity and how to get your message to the right people
  • Identify 'your tribe,' uncover why they love you and differentiate your teaching to make an impact
  • How to create your 'Signature Offer' and a bespoke range of classes, services or prducts around that
  • Implement the Basic Funnel of Know. Like. Trust.
  • How I create kick-ass Lead Magnets to build my email list.
  • My business tool Rolodex: My best practices, apps, tools, and project management systems
  • Discover how to be your best self on social media: be authentic, knowledgable and effective
  • Create an actionable plan for your business, eliminate overwhelm and make things happen
  • How to create an online 'funnel' to promote and sell your offerings, from classes to products. Create a lead magnet, tripwire and core offering. Cheryl will take you step-by-step how to earn money from your yoga business while you sleep!
  • Align your business with your core values and cement your place as an expert in your field
  • Learn everything else know in these 121 sessions

"A wonderful module to end the 300hour Empower course.
Lots of structured hints to take your business to the next level - whether you are new to teaching or a veteran Looking to update your skills. I especially found Cheryls Rolodex and the business funnel to be most helpful.
It’s basically a how to guide of the things to do and not to do and the mistakes that Cheryl has made along the way. I felt that it was quite a heavy course - lots of info, in a good way though. Will be a fantastic business resource for years to come and something I can dip into from time to time when i need inspiration or a different way to do something.
I didn’t know how much I didn’t know before I did this course.
Really excellent course!"

- Sharon Osu *****

"This module was very interesting and indepth, but also very challenging. I think I could have benefited from short regular sessions to discuss the business topics and progress through the different points maybe all together or in small groups. It was quite overwhelming. I will continue to work on this module and use all the fantastic tips."

- Elena Borello *****

"This is a fascinating course. The content gives great insight into setting up and creating your niche yoga business. The course teaches you all the pitfalls to avoid and all the valuable marketing and brand-building considerations too. A one-stop shop for everything you think you need and more!"

- Abigail Sherlock *****

Need Additional Support Setting Up and Growing Your Yoga Business?

The YogaBellies Business Package and Teaching Licence could be right for you (optional)

Join the YogaBellies family with EMPOWER, whether you're a new or seasoned yoga teacher. With 15 years of expertise, Cheryl guides you on your yoga business journey. Get a head start with a mini-site on, making your classes searchable for immediate inquiries. Even if your business has a different name, describe your classes as 'YogaBellies approved' and receive a badge for your site. Pay for EMPOWER training in full to enjoy a free 6-month YogaBellies Teaching Licence with access to additional resources, no renewal obligation.

What Are The Benefits of Being a Licensed Teacher?

  • Instant credibility with your class listing.
  • Access to pre-written class plans.
  • Your own mini-site on
  • Customized online health questionnaires, covering specific women's health conditions and complaints.
  • Monthly group coaching calls with Cheryl.
  • Immediate class inquiries through searchable listings.
  • Free resources for your clients, including exclusive yoga courses.
  • Peer support in the YogaBellies International Teachers lounge.
  • Access to a resource portal with tools for business and teaching.
  • Ongoing training, webinars, and expert sessions.
  • Linkable Licensed YogaBellies Teacher badge for your website.
  • Discounts on future YogaBellies training.

How Does EMPOWER Training Work?

Having had some pretty deplorable 'online' training experiences myself, I wanted to make sure that EMPOWER provided as much as in-person training BUT with the added benefits of having lifetime access to the resources and access them in your own time. Our programme modules run all year long and you can begin at any time.

How is the EMPOWER Training Delivered?

YogaBellies Basics: Your Pre-Course Work

At the beginning of your training, you will complete our online 'YogaBellies Basics' module. This means you're ready to dive in and begin at whichever live module is running that month. In this online module, we make sure you have all of the 'YogaBellies Basics' so that you can fully understand our practices, postures and techniques and transition easily into the next specialist module e.g. pregnancy or menopause.

The Empower Plan and 1-2-1 Call

At the beginning of your training, we help you identify what you really want from your life - personally and professionally - and we use this as a guiding tool to make sure you get exactly what you need from the training. On completion of your pre-course work, you will have a 1-2-1 coaching session with Cheryl or a Senior YogaBellies Teacher, to help personalise your EMPOWER experience and make sure you are ready to begin live training. We'll be checking in with your plan regularly to make sure you're on track, beginning with your pre-live training call.

Live and Interactive Sessions:
EMPOWER offers a dynamic blend of live online mentoring, coaching, and expert sessions. Led by Cheryl and the Senior YogaBellies Teacher team, you'll enjoy weekly live sessions and daily interaction in our WhatsApp community. Can't make a session? No worries - everything is recorded for later viewing.

Specialist Module Handbooks, Cheat Sheets and Class Plans:
Access comprehensive module handbooks, a full YogaBellies Asana Manual, and pre-written class plans tailored for each female life stage and condition within the licensed teachers portal.

Live Online and Recorded Learning:
Benefit from over 40 hours of live YogaBellies class videos, 80 hours of lecture and asana break-down videos, all accessible anytime.

Assignments and Assessment:
For those aiming for the 300-Hour Qualification, fulfill criteria including practice teaching, online exams, maintaining a yoga practice log, and more.

Wrap-Up and Your Personal Business and Life Plan:
Reflect on your personal business and life plan developed throughout the programme, refining your vision for post-training success.

  • Access to ALL Course Content Immediately
  • 2 x 1-2-1 EMPOWER Coaching Calls with Cheryl (additional bonus call)
  • Get 6 Months FREE YogaBellies Teacher Licence
  • FREE Yoga Teaching Foundations Course
  • FREE 28-Day Yoga Life Detox programme
  • FREE YogaBellies Complete E-Book Set
  • FREE The YogaBellies for Pregnancy at Home programme
  • BONUSES Value = £1200


  • Access Module 1 Immediately on Sign Up
  • 1 x 1-2-1 EMPOWER Coaching Calls with Cheryl
  • Get 6 Months FREE YogaBellies Teacher Licence
  • Access Module Content Monthly Over 6 Months
  • Accreditation Awarded on Full Payment

£599 PER MONTH X 6

  • Access Module 1 Immediately on Sign Up
  • 1 x 1-2-1 EMPOWER Coaching Calls with Cheryl
  • Get 6 Months FREE YogaBellies Teacher Licence
  • Access Module Content Monthly Over 6 Months
  • Accreditation Awarded on Full Payment



Got More Questions? We Have Answers

Where will the training take place?

You can sign up at any time. Our training runs all year long but you can dip in and out and everything is recorded. Before you start you will complete an online pre-course module to make sure you have all of the basic tools to just dive into any specialist women's yoga training we offer!

Upon sign-up, you will get immediate access to all of the course materials (depending on the payment package, for installments it's a module per month) and you have up to 18 months to complete your training although the full 300 hours can be completed in 6 months.

I understand that life happens so I've made this programme as flexible as possible for busy women. You do NOT have to attend the live training sessions and all sessions are recorded. You can begin and complete the course as soon as you like, however you also have the option to join the live sessions at any time if you wish.

EMPOWER training is available worldwide, with EMPOWER trainees joining us from the UK, Australia, USA and Europe too! The programme includes a blend of live-online lectures and mentoring and practice classes; recorded seminars and classes; reading materials; handbooks, quick reference guides and audio. You will also have lifetime access (3 years) so you can refer back to the training whenever you like.

What If I Only Want To Focus on One Area of Women's Yoga, Pregnancy Yoga for Example?

That's no problem at all! You can choose to join individual course 'modules' on specific life stages, for example, menopause or pregnancy. These are specialist women's yoga and wellness courses in their own right and are accredited by Yoga Alliance International for a 50-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Qualification.

You will receive a certificate from YogaBellies on completion of each course and these can also be counted as credits towards with 300-Hour EMPOWER YTT within 3 years. However, almost everyone who signs up for a 50-hour course... ends up joining EMPOWER! So you should think about this as you may end up completing your studies back to front, LOL.

How do the 50-hour courses work?

You can join the live sessions with the other EMPOWER students or you can choose to watch the recordings later and work through the course at your own pace. Again, you can start these at any time and have unlimited access to them. The full 50-hour courses are also available online to study in your own time, at any point in the year. To gain accreditation, you must complete the online assessment for the course, but not required if you wish to join the programme for your personal development.

Can I teach yoga once I've completed a 50-hour course?

There is no unified legal standard for teaching yoga however, the generally accepted minimum standard is usually at least 200 hours of yoga teacher training. Many of our students undertake our individual courses for personal development (for example, if they are pregnant or going through menopause) or work with female clients in another area e.g. pilates, as a doula or physiotherapy work.

Whether you are ready to teach yoga is a personal decision you must make, based on your experience and confidence in the subject matter. You may also wish to consult your teaching insurance company on this. You may already hold a 200 or 300-hour teaching qualification and just want to expand your knowledge. The choice is yours. If you are applying to become a licensed YogaBellies Teacher, we will assess this on a case-by-case basis.

Do I have to be a yoga teacher or already have a 200-hour YTT certification to take this training?

No, absolutely not! Many of our EMPOWER students don't and never intend to teach yoga! You do NOT need a 200-hour yoga teacher training as a prerequisite before you do EMPOWER. If you don't hold an existing qualification, we do recommend some additional reading, prep work and practice for you - this is your choice. We also offer a Yoga Teacher Training Foundations course for non-yoga teachers if you want to go on to teach. This gives you a great basis for all of the core fundamental yogic concepts. Our 300-hour EMPOWER training is designed to be accessible for all levels and if you haven't done a yoga teaching qualification previously, you will be provided with an additional reading list and advice and support on what to brush up on. We've got you!

What is a 300-hour Teacher Training?

Yogis, teachers, women and wellness professionals who are serious about yoga (and want to deepen their knowledge and practice!) can join EMPOWER. Unlike most other 300HR training, which only covers yoga or yoga philosophy, our EMPOWER™ 300HR programme is different.
We include in-depth training to help you understand the female body, mind and soul and our journey through the feminine life cycle, using yoga and personal empowerment as our guiding tools. Think of EMPOWER as a Master's degree in Feminine Yoga and Wellness: You will become an expert in all things woman and yoga. You will LIVE and embody the practices as you learn them so that everything you share with other women, you will have used yourself.

The purpose of EMPOWER™ is to help YOU live your best life and to enable other women to do this too - this is as much a personal empowerment programme as a yoga teacher training. This helps differentiate your yoga teaching expertise, add more value and ultimately make more money. Plus, Cheryl mentors an entire module focused on helping you learn to grow your yoga or wellness business, having done it firsthand herself.

Will I receive a certificate upon completing this training?

Yes! You will be eligible for triple accreditation: Certified YogaBellies Teacher EMPOWER 300-Hours; Yoga Alliance International 300-hour certificate and accreditation by the World Yoga Federation.
If you join the individual modules, the specialist women's yoga short courses are accredited by Yoga Alliance International for a 50-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Qualification and accepted as CPD if you are an existing YogaBellies Teacher. You will receive a downloadable certificate on completion of each short course and these can also be counted as credits towards with 300-Hour EMPOWER YTT within 3 years.

Can I take this course if I live in a different time zone? What if I have a full-time job?

Yes! One of the main benefits of online yoga certification and training is that anyone can make it work under their own circumstances - we have students attending from the UK, France, Germany, Ireland, Australia, Dubai, and Singapore already!

Will I have one-on-one access to Cheryl?

You will have in-depth personal guidance through our Mentorship programme (if you join us live) with your assigned Senior YogaBellies Teacher Mentor. Cheryl also leads her group work and teaching sessions live and also during the monthly 'deep dive' calls where you can “jump into the hot seat” for personal coaching with her every month. There will also be expert guest speakers including Medics, Physiotherapists and Female Sexuality Coaches.

Is online training effective?

Yes! Check out some of our amazing testimonials above! I love online training and I believe it’s a wonderfully accessible way to earn your Yoga Alliance International 300-hour Certification. It is profound how much transmission can come through online.
We use a combination of live and pre-recorded training for a genuine one-of-a-kind, immersive experience. We will also all be “together” online for the group calls taught by Cheryl and the Senior YogaBellies teachers.
Plus, unlike in-person training, online training also offers you the unique opportunity to revisit any sessions you like at any time you like!
Finally, online learning allows you to earn your 300HR certification at a fraction of the cost of in-person training — there’s no overhead for your meals, travel, and accommodations and we are able to offer the same curriculum at a fraction of the cost.

How much does the EMPOWER™ programme cost?

The full programme price is then GBP3495 for payment in full. Please see the payment links for installment options.

Can I pay in installments?

Yes! You can pay for the full 300-hour programme over 6 or 9 installments, with the first installment due on signup, or over 9 months with a larger initial deposit.

Is there an alumni rate if I've already completed the YogaBellies 200-hour training?

Absolutely! You will be able to undertake this 300-hour training at 25% off the listed price. If you've completed our 200-hour training, you will also be eligible to apply for Yoga Alliance International, 500-Hour Teacher Accreditation.

Is YogaBellies a franchise?

No, we no longer offer a franchise model. YogaBellies now offers stand-alone yoga teacher training for all women and practitioners, with no obligatory fees, restrictions, or ongoing commitments.
There is also an optional opportunity to become a Licensed YogaBellies Teacher, where you can teach our branded class plans and be listed and searchable on our website. There is no obligation to do so and you can do this, even if you currently have your own yoga business, e.g. OM Mums Club, Dubai is listed on our website as having been trained by YogaBellies and practicing the methods.

Can I start teaching YogaBellies branded classes and be listed on their website?

Yes! You can purchase the YogaBellies Business Package and Teaching Licence, meaning you will have your own mini-site on, where you can list your classes and be instantly searchable worldwide. You will also have ongoing access to our International Teachers Lounge for support on your yoga journey, use of our pre-written class plans, social media templates, business tools and brand exposure. Becoming a licensed teacher is completely optional and application is no guarantee of approval.

What If I Want More Ongoing Business and Yoga Teaching Support?

Then the YogaBellies Business Package and Teaching Licence is definitely for you! When you join YogaBellies, you get the immediate credibility of being a Licensed YogaBellies Teacher and all of your classes and teaching profile will be searchable on our website, meaning instant enquires for your classes. Pre-made and branded marketing and business resources are readily available and peer support from YogaBellies Teachers across the world. You can even choose to teach under your own name if you wish, for example, Sarah Jane Yoga offers YogaBellies Classes. To find out more and sign up now click here.

Still have more questions? Book A Call
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