Caring For Yourself: Be The Best You Can Be

It’s so easy to fall into the typical rut of life, with the cycle of work, sleep, and ...

How Yoga Can Impact Hormones?

Hormones are messengers in our body that regulate every process that is going on in our body. From ...

5 Reasons Why Women Experience Different Benefits from Yoga than Men

On the most obvious level, biologically men and women are different. The physical practice of Yoga that we ...

What is Estrogen and Why Does it Matter?

The human body contains a variety of tiny components that are always working behind the scenes to make ...

EVERYTHING you need to start the yoga business of your dreams…

I’ve already shared with you how much time and energy it took for me to create the YogaBellies ...

What Do You Know About EMPOWER by YogaBellies…

Thank you for your interest in YogaBellies! If you've known about YogaBellies for a while, then you probably ...

Exercise while pregnant? – Is It Safe?

For many years it was believed that once a woman became pregnant she should just lounge on the ...

Best Yoga Poses For The Bits We Hate

????Top Yoga Practices for Women's Least Favourite Jiggly Bits???? ????Yoga is not about looking good, but most of ...

Why Women Need YogaBellies not Yoga

But really why do yoga in the first place? You know that exercise is good for you. You’ve probably ...

An Express History of Yoga

Whether you are a yoga fan or are just now discovering the art, knowledge of the history of ...