Cheryl MacDonald, YogaBellies Founder

Cheryl MacDonald, YogaBellies Founder

“Yes, I’m grateful, but I also feel like sh*t.” My Top Tips for Beating All-Day Pregnancy Sickness
Me at a particuarly low point this week, sporting a stylish heat pack and bad hair combo I am so excited to be pregnant with...

The Baby Blues and Post Natal Depression
Most mums go through a brief period of feeling emotional and tearful after childbirth. Your body is going wild with all of those lovely hormones...

Bonding, the Blues and Baby Massage
Bonding after Birth Now if you are anything like me, you spent most of your pregnancy checking your pregnancy phone app and reading books on...

What Should I do with the Placenta?
Once Baby Arrives… Why Should I Wait Until The Cord Stops Pulsing to Cut It? Several studies now suggest that new-born babies gain several benefits...

And When Baby Is Ready to Come Out!
To Push Or Not To Push?… You will know the baby is on its way down the birth path when you start to experience...

6 Signs That You Are In Active Labour
You Know it’s Active Labour When… 1. You just feel that ‘this is it.’ 2. You probably won’t feel the need to eat or drink...

Roll away the pregnancy aches
Here are a few practical tips on how foam rolling can help reduce pregnancy aches and pains. Roll away the pregnancy achesFoam rolling is a...

4 Big Signs that Your Body Is Getting Ready for Birth
The Big Signs of Labour: Childbirth actually starts weeks before you feel your first contraction. Your body starts to prepare for birth in a range...

Be Inspired: Yogi Mum goes from redundancy to a global franchise Jen_welch Seven years ago Cheryl MacDonald was a Business Analyst, working in the rat race, feeling trapped. She never imagined that she would be...
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