Cheryl MacDonald, YogaBellies Founder

Cheryl MacDonald, YogaBellies Founder

You CAN Practice Yoga With Your Baby!
Post Natal Yoga: With and Without Baby I often say to mummies when they come along to mum and baby yoga, that practicing yoga with...

Boosting your Mood with Citrus Oils
Citrus Oils – I LOVE aromatherapy oils! The YogaBellies girls and I use them for everything from the cold, to enhancing our yoga practice to...

My Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Your Own Business
Having started many successful businesses of my own and having had lots of experience in ‘going it alone,’ I’ve put together my top ten...

Scottish “Mumpreneur” Cheryl MacDonald Reaches Finals of National Business Awards.
Glaswegian mum, and entrepreneur, Cheryl Kennedy MacDonald, has earned herself a place in the final line-up of The Mumpreneur Awards, an annual ceremony aimed at...

The YogaBellies 3 Day Juice Cleanse: SIMPLE STEPS TO PREP FOR SUCCESS:
Following are the Simple Steps To Prep For Success: 1. Get into the mindset of cleansing and supporting your body to detox in a natural...

What are the benefits of buying a Yoga Franchise V attending a Yoga Teacher Training course?
By Cheryl MacDonald BA (Hons) CYT E-RPYT, founder of Yoga Bellies® If you undertake yoga teacher training, you get what it says on the tin:...

Empowering Women through Yoga
The Empowerment of Women through Yoga written by Anna Lewis CYT, who teaches in Midhurst, Haslemere and Hampshire Yoga is above all a path of...

YogaBellies BAP's (Back, Abs and Pelvic Floor) 14 Day programme only £19.97
NEW YogaBellies BAP’s (Back, Abs and Pelvic Floor) 14 Day Post-Natal Programme £19.90 SPECIAL OFFER £49.97 £19.90 For post-natal mums and all women looking to strengthen...

An Easy Guide to the Eight Limbs of Yoga
A SIMPLE GUIDE TO THE EIGHT LIMBS OF YOGA This is an excerpt from my new book YogaBellies for Pregnancy, available for purchase on epub,...

YogaBellies are Recruiting!
YogaBellies are looking for ethical business women and yoginis, to join us across the world! With over 100 teachers across the world including the UK,...
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