Tag: cyt teacher
349.48 milesHello and welcome to YogaBellies. It’s Tash here from YogaBellies Farnborough, Fleet and Camberley. Hopefully if you’ve reached this far, you’re interested in joining one of our YogaBellies classes. If so – Yay! They’re awesome!* I fell in love with yoga when I was pregnant with my first daughter. I hold yoga responsible for her beautiful water birth and also Read more...
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Hi, I’m Katie! Equipped with a BA(Hons) in Dance and a Live Events Diploma, my journey has taken me around the world. I’ve worn multiple hats – dancer, choreographer, teacher – and even stepped into the world of production and management. Among the remarkable milestones, Clarke Quay in Singapore stands out as the Entertainment Capital that carved a special Read more...
Hello everyone, it is Alice here at Yoga With Alice D. Thank you so much for spending your time searching for my classes, and actually well done too! If you have reached this far, then hopefully you are really considering YogaBellies classes, and I am so pleased if you are, because I think they are beautiful. Yes I am biased, Read more...
Hello and thank you for visiting this page! I’m Lyndsey, your teacher for YogaBellies classes Bearsden & Brookfield. I first attended YogaBellies for Pregnancy classes on the recommendation of a friend when pregnant with my little boy Leo, back in 2016. Taking Leo along to YogaBellies for Mum and Baby classes were some of my favourite memories of being on Read more...
Hi, I have practiced yoga for many years. I recently became mum to my second daughter in December 22 . I decided to become a yoga teacher as throughout my life it has helped me so much. I want to share the positivity and empowerment that yoga can bring to your life too. I know what it’s like to be Read more...