Cheryl MacDonald, YogaBellies Founder

Cheryl MacDonald, YogaBellies Founder

The whole pregnancy is an online do-it-at-home programme, with videos, audio, downloadable handbooks, workbooks and email coaching. You even get to join our online yogabellies...

Purnama: Bali’s Full Moon Celebrations
Bali has thousands of temples, so chances are high that you’ll come across one during your visit – especially if you join our EMPOWER Bali...

How Can I Manage Menopause Symptoms with Yoga and Lifestyle?
What I've noticed in the past 5 years, is that more and more women over 30 are coming to yoga, because they know benefits they...

Choosing between In-Person, Recorded and LIVE Online Yoga Classes
In these times of pandemic, a lot of yoga classes are moving online for safety reasons. Due to local restrictions it may also mean you...

Everything You Need to Start Practising YogaBellies at Home
Yoga is an amazing way to de-stress, unclutter your mind, achieve emotional peace, rid yourself of pain, and get healthier. However, it can be hard...

How Often Should You Practice Yoga?
Whether you’re new to the yoga scene or you’ve got a bit of experience under your belt, there comes a time when you wonder how...

Why You Should Still Need Your Village During a Pandemic
It can be hard enough dealing with isolation where you aren’t able to connect physically with your friends and family, but if you are living...

The physical Benefits of Yoga for Women
Exercise is an important part of living a healthy life on a daily basis for all creatures. Although men and women are very similar biologically,...

Take 2 Minutes To Become Aware of Your Breath
The breath, body and mind are so closely linked, a change in one brings about a change in the other two. By developing control of...

True Bliss Meditation for Women
True bliss is often said to be a state of complete joy and contentment. But what does that really mean? And how can we achieve...
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