Women in Yoga Through the Ages

Women in Yoga Through the Ages

I wanted to dive a little deeper into history of women in yoga with you - something I’m ...
Aligning Your Menstrual Cycle with the Lunar Phases for Optimal Health and Wellness

Aligning Your Menstrual Cycle with the Lunar Phases for Optimal Health and Wellness

As women, our bodies are cyclical, just like the moon.  Our menstrual cycle, which lasts approximately 28 days, ...
Aligning Your Menstrual Cycle with the Lunar Phases for Optimal Health and Wellness

Join the Revolution: Embrace Your Feminine Cycles and Seasons with YogaBellies EMPOWER

As women, we are cyclical beings. We go through different seasons and phases throughout our lives, and it's ...

Yoga For Menopause – 7 Reasons Why It’s Great by Editorial Staff

By Cheryl MacDonald, Founder, Yogabellies The benefits that can be reaped from yoga are far higher for women ...


Sometimes there are days when, no matter how motivated you are, you just can’t get into the groove ...

Do You Have a Hormonal Imbalance and how can yoga help?

There’s a complex process within our body which never sleeps, and affects our growth, procreation, moods, energy levels ...

Signs your menstrual cycle may be abnormal and How Yoga Can Help

Having an abnormal menstrual cycle is very common, and certainly Not every woman has the perfect 28-day cycle ...

Can Yoga Help PMS?

Just about every woman knows what PMS, or premenstrual syndrome is. The majority of women who are in ...

Can we improve our overall health by acknowledging the menstrual cycle?

Yes, Yes and Yes!! FFS YES!  You know the workshop I taught on Sunday about feminine cycles at ...

Can we improve our hormone health by adapting our yoga practice throughout the menstrual cycle?

Yes, Yes and Yes!! FFS YES! I taught a workshop on embracing feminine cycles at the weekend and ...