Have you ever considered what happiness actually is?
Happiness and contentment look complete different for everyone -what makes one person tick doesn't necessarily fly for someone ...
Things I need to Stay Healthy and Sane in 2022
We know that care of ourselves means eating healthy, getting exercise on a daily basis, and take care ...
Is Yoga Teacher Training For You? Find Out If You Can Do A Yoga Teacher Training As A Beginner.
Is Yoga For You? Find Out If You Are Ready To Do A Yoga Teacher Training. The short ...
Has The Pandemic Stolen Your Mojo?
We're all exhausted. We are OVER Covid. We need something to kick us back on track but we ...
Are You A Yoga Teacher and An Entrepreneur?
Entrepreneurship. What comes to your mind when you hear this? As a former business analyst and a Dragon’s ...
Do you really think it’ll last forever?
One of my clients (and a personal friend) was recently going through some really shitty times.This incredible, beautiful ...
What Does the Yoga Life Reset Involve?
Think about this: Over 80% of people who fail at changing their lifestyles state that the number one reason ...
What is a Yoga Lifestyle?
Experienced yogis know that what we practice on our yoga mats is just the tip of the iceberg ...
How will the Yoga Life Reset help me change my life?
Adopting a yoga lifestyle isn’t a fad diet that promises to make you skinny - it’s a way of ...
Planning in Advance Supercharges Your Chances for Your Yoga Business Success
You have a great class or products to promote but you’re not sure where to start. The best ...