Experienced yogis know that what we practice on our yoga mats is just the tip of the iceberg and that yoga is actually, a way of life.
A yoga lifestyle encourages a conscious shift in how we approach life. This does not mean we can’t enjoy vino with the ladies on a Friday night and that we have to live like a monk in the mountains!
When we’re living our yoga, we’re connecting deeply with ourselves and living in a way that makes us feel great: Mind, Body and Soul. We’re going to practice awareness and authenticity in everything we do.
It means embracing self-love and self-care and looking after that one body you’ve got – as a daily practice – not as a ‘special treat!’ As women, we tend to neglect ourselves and put everyone else’s needs first – we’re going to make these changes for us.
If we’re living our yoga, we’re always making choices that bring us towards a place of inner peace. We’re happy with how we’re living our lives and are true to what’s important to us.
We’re focusing daily on maintaining a healthy body, a focused mind, and a calm heart.
Over 21 days you’re going to learn to eat, sleep, love, and think like a yogi.
Join me as I take you through the simple steps to embracing a lifestyle that can deepen (or begin) your yoga practice and add massive benefits to every aspect of your health and wellness.
Over 3 weeks we’ll look at food, movement, and mindset
This is the overhaul that all women need after all of this pandemic bullshit. Use this time to find your way to be healthy, happy, capable you. Click on the link to find out more and sign up now. Early prices are available before the 17th of December.
And yes, it is possible to learn how to do this in just three weeks. My 21-Day Yoga Life Reset starts on the 9th of January 2022 – yep right after the festive indulgences – and you can book at the early bird price of £49 right now. After the 17th of December this price will go up to £99, so get it while it’s half off!
As a top online pregnancy yoga teacher trainer, we provide the best training.
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I’m an inclusive, not scary, totally normal yet heavily qualified yoga instructor and founder of YogaBellies® and the Birth ROCKS Method. I’m trained in self hypnosis and meditation and what I love is helping women (ALL women) enjoy yoga without having to whisper all the time and wear fancy activewear that cost a month’s rent.
I believe Yoga is for everyone.
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