Women in Yoga Through the Ages

Women in Yoga Through the Ages

I wanted to dive a little deeper into history of women in yoga with you - something I’m ...

YogaPause™ – Unlocking the Power of Yoga for a Fulfilling Sex Life after 40!

Are you feeling less than satisfied with your sex life? Are you struggling with vaginal atrophy or lower ...

YogaPause™ – The Ultimate Guide for Women Over 40

I am so excited to share with you my latest book, YogaPause™, which is specifically designed for women ...

Join our Online YogaPause Community and Manage Menopause with Grace and Ease!

Let me reintorduce myself: My name is Cheryl MacDonald, and I'm the creator of YogaPause, my new yoga ...

Why Women Can’t Sleep – and How to Get A Better Sleep!

Women Have a Hard Time Getting Sleep—And Here’s How to Fix It! There are several reasons why women ...

Yoga For Menopause – 7 Reasons Why It’s Great by Editorial Staff

By Cheryl MacDonald, Founder, Yogabellies The benefits that can be reaped from yoga are far higher for women ...

Healthy Magazine: Yoga poses to ease menopause symptoms By Chantelle Pattemore

https://www.healthy-magazine.co.uk/yoga-poses-to-ease-menopause-symptoms/ Hands up if you’re female. Yes? Then going through the menopause is something you’ll have to deal with in ...

Dietary Changes to Make During Menopause

If you want to go through menopause in the healthiest way possible, while also working to lower some ...

Are Women Happier in Midlife? | The Midlife Woman’s Guide to Happiness

I just finished writing an essay on developmental psychology during midlife (generally defined as 40-65 years old) for ...

How Can I Manage Menopause Symptoms with Yoga and Lifestyle?

What I've noticed in the past 5 years, is that more and more women over 30 are coming ...