Women Have a Hard Time Getting Sleep—And Here’s How to Fix It!
There are several reasons why women may suffer from sleeping difficulties, including pressure overload or hormonal changes. It is possible for women to improve the quality of their sleep. In addition, arthritic joints or sleep apnea can cause sleeping problems.
Handling Excessive Pressure
While sleeping, your adrenal glands produce healing hormones that help prevent stress-related health issues such as high blood pressure or diabetes mellitus. It is critical to reduce your anxiety levels if you are a woman coping with too much stress. You can reduce your stress in a number of ways, including daily exercise or meditation. You may also seek professional help if you have issues with your stressful life.
During menopause, your hormone levels change causing many uncomfortable symptoms.
It is common for females to experience hormonal changes that result in sleep disruptions. Before and during menstruation, abdominal cramps and moodiness may occur too. If pregnant, not only will your hormones change rapidly, but also, you will experience physical changes that can make it hard to sleep comfortably. A pregnant woman can use supportive body pillows when lying down to alleviate the pain.
Getting Through Arthritis Pain
When you have arthritic problems, it is difficult to sleep due to the pain in your joints, including your hips, backs, and knees. You may wake up frequently if you sleep, as you move around during your slumbers. What great for Osteoarthritis? Yoga! A visit to an arthritic specialist is also a good way to move toward alleviating your discomfort as well as to avoid additional damage to your joints. Other alternatives consist of body massages, whirlpools, acupuncture and Magnesium and Calcium supplements might also be utilized. To make sure your joints are as protected as possible, swap out an old sagging mattress with a new one that is more supportive.
Managing Breathing Difficulties
Women may have sleep apnea and not know it, causing them to develop additional health issues. You may feel tired all day if you sleep for seven to nine hours, even if you’re sleeping properly. When you don’t breathe properly at night, your brain can be damaged. Your brain receives less oxygen when you have sleep apnea. If you think you have it, ask your doctor for a sleep study. If you have sleep apnea, you might be prescribed a machine with a mask that you can use at night.
When the summer season starts coming to an end, you might notice that your sleeping habits are still suffering. Even as the temperature cools a bit and the nights get longer, your energy levels are a bit off when the seasons change. Here are some helpful tips for getting better sleep in the winter season.
Doing the appropriate yoga practice before bed can help you relax – try LUNA or RESTORE – and stretch out any aches and pains, and release any built-up tension.
Before Bed, Reduce Stimulants
It is unfortunate how many people engage in this harmful behaviour without knowing it is hurting their ability to get good sleep. After all, stimulants like alcohol, caffeine, and sugar keep you energized well after bedtime. By skipping candy bar after dinner, dessert after dinner, and coffee or tea before bed, you should hopefully be able to get better sleep.
Before going to sleep, turn everything off
It could be that the difficulty is not getting to sleep but often it’s due to being unable to stay asleep, and staying there. Your TV, phone, and other electronics may be keeping you up all night long. Even if your TV turns off automatically after a certain period of time, you may not get deep sleep in the first couple of hours before that occurs. This might be due to the lights on the cable box. You might need to cover it at night to avoid this.
Stop using your phone at night for better sleep
Even if you can’t avoid turning your TV off, you should be able to avoid keeping your phone on. You might also prefer to use a conventional alarm clock instead of an alarm app if you use your phone is your alarm. You are likely to be alerted to all of your messages and remain awake thinking about them if you check your phone every morning. If you can, turn it off!
Prioritize a relaxing pre-bed activity before you sleep.
Before going to bed, consider doing something simple that helps you to wind down. You might read a book, take a hot bath, listen to gentle music while diffusing your essential oil, or create a creative activity like colouring an picture book. These are straightforward to include in your nightly routine, and they will really improve your quality of sleep.
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I’m an inclusive, not scary, totally normal yet heavily qualified yoga instructor and founder of YogaBellies® and the Birth ROCKS Method. I’m trained in self hypnosis and meditation and what I love is helping women (ALL women) enjoy yoga without having to whisper all the time and wear fancy activewear that cost a month’s rent.
I believe Yoga is for everyone.