What is freedom to you ?
A few years ago, I came upon this video of a North Korean defector Yeonmi Park: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufhKWfPSQOw (WARNING: ...
I can help you build the yoga business of your dreams ✨(and learn from my mistakes so you don’t have to!)
It's taken me a long time to develop a yoga system that focused on the needs of women and puts ...
What Meditation Teaches Me About Myself: Reflections and Affirmations
Meditation teaches me about myself. Meditation gives me an opportunity to discover my true self. Observing my thoughts ...
How Long Does It Really Take To Create A New Habit?
They say it takes 21 days to create a new habit, which is why I’ve created the yoga ...
Self-Reflection and Gratitude Journalling for 2022
It’s serious monsoon weather here in Singapore and the temp has dropped to 22 degrees (lol,) I’m in ...
Is Yoga Teacher Training For You? Find Out If You Can Do A Yoga Teacher Training As A Beginner.
Is Yoga For You? Find Out If You Are Ready To Do A Yoga Teacher Training. The short ...
What Does the Yoga Life Reset Involve?
Think about this: Over 80% of people who fail at changing their lifestyles state that the number one reason ...
What is a Yoga Lifestyle?
Experienced yogis know that what we practice on our yoga mats is just the tip of the iceberg ...
What do you do when things fall apart?
Don’t judge me.I picked up Pema Chödrön’s book for the first time 5 days ago.A kind friend gave ...
3 ways to deal with the Scarcity Mindset as a Yoga Teacher
It pisses me off. To this day. All the amazing, brave, big-hearted women (and men!)... Who aren’t living ...