What I’ve noticed in the past 5 years, is that more and more women over 30 are coming to yoga, because they know benefits they can gain as the begin to age. Im delighted let you know that i’ve now created the ultimate wellness solution for women over 30 in an easy to follow online course format. I know that as we start top move towards menopause, we often lose sense of ourself. In a world that celebrates youth and is devalues women as they age, we need resources, practices and community so that we can maintain our energy levels, vitality and health. Rock the menopause by yogabellies provides you with all of the resources that you need from pre-menopause all the way to postmenopausal, making sure that you stay fit, energized and positive and get all of the nutrients you need for a long and enjoyable life.
This incredible resource includes guides you through each of the stages of menopause with yoga oractuces, meditations, journalling, nutritious receipes, meal plans and shopping lists. Split into 12 chapters, youll find information on menopause ailments and how to deal with them, all about hormones and hormonal testing, eating for hormonal balance, how menopause affects you mind, body and soul and how to embrace this lifestyle naturally. You get instant access and can even dip and out on your phone on the go. YogaBellies have taught over 100,000 women in the past 10 years alone, and these experiences have allowed me to create exactly what you need to support body positive, holistic and healthy aging. There is no other programme available like this, with thisa range of indepth information and practices, based on our experiences.
You can join the ROCK YOUR MENOPAUSE right now for instant access to the complete programme.
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I’m an inclusive, not scary, totally normal yet heavily qualified yoga instructor and founder of YogaBellies® and the Birth ROCKS Method. I’m trained in self hypnosis and meditation and what I love is helping women (ALL women) enjoy yoga without having to whisper all the time and wear fancy activewear that cost a month’s rent.
I believe Yoga is for everyone.