“You’re so good at Yoga, I can’t even look at you in class”
One mama’s comment to another mama at the end of this mornings’ YogaBellies for Mum & Baby Class.
Mama 1 – mother to a gorgeous 7 month old boy smiled graciously and accepted the compliment for what it was. Mama 2 – mother to a beautiful 11 week old girl looked away and stroked her baby’s head softly. We had made our way through a lovely hours’ class and were now sitting with tea, brownies and babies! Their conversation had already moved on, but their exchange stayed with me as I packed away at the end of the session.
It is such a common misconception that you have to be completely flexible to be “good” at yoga, and that the physical postures define your ability. Yes; the asana play a part in the class but yoga doesn’t end with how bendy (or not!) you are. To me; yoga is about being aware, being present. It’s about what you can learn about yourself, what you can let go of, and how you feel at the end of the session.
I adore teaching YogaBellies for Mum & Baby, it is such an honour see the Mummies bonding with their babies each week, the smiles on their faces as they see their babes respond. I love guiding both mama & baby through a relaxation each week and often use this time to reflect on the class as well. There will be some mamas who have managed very little as their babies wanted cuddling to sleep. There will be the mummy who managed to get through the baby practice uninterrupted, only for her babe to demand milk as we move on to the mummies practice! There will be the rare occasion when a mother and baby get through the entire session together, a little yogi team. But whatever the class has meant for them that week, there is always the same expression of love. The same gentle touch. The same soothing whisper. I love that they are allowing themselves to just “be” with their babies. In a world where we are constantly busy, constantly on the go and constantly beating ourselves up when things don’t go quite right it is so refreshing to be able to just sit, take time out and enjoy being in the moment.
So; Mama 2, as you sit and cradle your baby, I see you kissing her little head with your eyes closed. You are completely absorbed in the moment, putting your baby’s needs before your own and being the best damn mama you can be, sleep deprivation and all. How much more yogic can you get?
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I’m an inclusive, not scary, totally normal yet heavily qualified yoga instructor and founder of YogaBellies® and the Birth ROCKS Method. I’m trained in self hypnosis and meditation and what I love is helping women (ALL women) enjoy yoga without having to whisper all the time and wear fancy activewear that cost a month’s rent.
I believe Yoga is for everyone.