Cloth Nappies for Happy Babies
Do you know what is in the nappies you put on your baby? Unfortunately, most people don’t know what is in the nappies they purchase for their small children. Since they are widely accepted as the diapering standard, they use them without ever considering alternatives. After all, cloth nappies are such a pain to take care of, and kids just wet through them, right?
Actually, cloth nappies have come a long way. There are several options available for cloth nappies and there are several reasons to use them as well. Take a look at the following:
1. Cloth nappies (or diapers) are better for the baby’s skin. Disposable nappies are loaded with chemicals that can irritate a baby’s tender skin, Cloth nappies often sport natural fibers like cotton that are soothing to the skin and very breathable. They get fewer nappy rashes, which means less discomfort for the baby and less crying.
2. Disposable diapers are also filled with toxic allergens. Your baby might even be allergic to disposable nappies. There are many things in them that can cause allergic reactions, such as problems breathing and rashes. If your child is having these problems you should consider cloth nappies.
3. Cloth nappies are better for the environment and your pocketbook. Cloth nappies are reusable from child to child, which means less waste going into our already overstuffed landfills. You should figure that in the years one child is wearing nappies you will go through on average, 2500 to 3000 nappies. With cloth nappies, you could easily get by using only 3-4 dozen nappies and those nappies can be used on one or more subsequent children.
4. When you are done with your cloth nappies you can sell them too at usually 50-75% of the retail price of new ones. That means you can get back 3/4 the cost of using cloth nappies. Even after you factor in water, time and detergent you are still winning out compared to the $20 a week you spend on nappies.
5. Washing nappies is very easy too. It should not amount to more than a load or two of extra laundry each week. Wet diapers can be tossed into a diaper pail to wait for cleaning and diapers with loose stools can be shaken out over the toilet before they too are stored before washing. Odor issues can be controlled by placing a tissue with a few drops of essential oil at the bottom of the nappy pail or sprinkling the pail with baking soda.
6. Cloth nappies have also greatly evolved in terms of style and ease of use. There are many options available for cloth nappies including some all-in-one (AIO) varieties that closely resemble disposable nappies as far as ease of use goes. There are pocket nappies for parents who want to customize absorbency and there are one-size nappies for parents who want nappies that will grow with their children. There are also nappies available to use for night time, and nappies to use while potty training.
7. These days, cloth nappies come in some seriously cute colors and styles!
8. You can also make your own cloth nappies with several patterns available online. That reduces the cost even more. It really is easier to use cloth nappies than you might think. Before you check them off as an option, give them a shot, you might really like the benefits and how happy your baby is in them.
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I’m an inclusive, not scary, totally normal yet heavily qualified yoga instructor and founder of YogaBellies® and the Birth ROCKS Method. I’m trained in self hypnosis and meditation and what I love is helping women (ALL women) enjoy yoga without having to whisper all the time and wear fancy activewear that cost a month’s rent.
I believe Yoga is for everyone.