Think about this:
- Over 80% of people who fail at changing their lifestyles state that the number one reason is lack of support and understanding – two things that my reset has! I don’t just give you a bunch of recipes and a yoga sequence and let you work things out for yourself, I offer continuous support, encouragement, and help in figuring out the best ways to incorporate a yoga lifestyle into your current, daily life. You’re going to be able to interact with me and ask me questions live every week also in our online community forum – and have the ongoing support of the other women undertaking the reset!
- The second-biggest reason people have for quitting a lifestyle change is boredom – as in, they get bored eating the same thing over and over or feel restricted in their lifestyle. Too many people mistake clean living for choking down dry salads and sitting at home depressed. You need help getting to know the ins and outs, and you get that with my Reset. I’m going to help you mix up your nutrition, movement and mindfulness routines to keep you active and interested – and we’re going to have a laugh along the way because making your life better should be bloody good fun!
The great thing about the Yoga Life Reset is that I’ve made it as flexible as possible. I know that most of you are busy women that can’t always guarantee they’ll be in a specific place at a specific time. There are 4 live sessions with me (once a week) and they will be on Sunday at 9 am UK local time and will last an hour. You don’t have to attend live and they’ll all be recorded for you to watch later.
There are 3 yoga practices that I have created especially for this reset: RESTORE (deep relaxation and restoration), COREPLAY (a dynamic and energizing practice) and LUNA (perfect for gentle movement and contemplation.) Each yoga sequence lasts around 20 minutes and this is the only practice you need each day.
You can select which practice you do every day, and this will vary on where you are on your menstrual cycle and wheat your body and soul need that day: It’s up to you. You can complete these in your own time and you have lifetime access to keep going, every day after the Reset is complete. If you skip a day, don’t panic, just get back on the mat the next day – because sometimes life happens and that’s okay 🙂
There will be daily suggested reflections and OMwork for you to do, to keep you focused on the challenge. If you register for the free sample of the reset, you can view the full 21-day schedule and the themes. You can also choose to listen to the range of audio meditations provided for each week, again depending on what and when you need them. There’s also a ton of extra videos and reading material on feminine health and wellness topics important to you. I want you to take what you need from this Reset and I know that will be different for everyone.
And yes, it is possible to learn how to do this in just three weeks. My 21-Day Yoga Life Reset starts on the 9th of January 2022 – yep right after the festive indulgences – and you can book at the early bird price of £49 right now. After the 27th of December this price will go up to £99, so get it while it’s half off!
Contact us today for a yoga teacher training online classes.
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I’m an inclusive, not scary, totally normal yet heavily qualified yoga instructor and founder of YogaBellies® and the Birth ROCKS Method. I’m trained in self hypnosis and meditation and what I love is helping women (ALL women) enjoy yoga without having to whisper all the time and wear fancy activewear that cost a month’s rent.
I believe Yoga is for everyone.