After the birth, you will have a lot recuperating to do. Your body, mind and hormones have been working hard and there is a high chance that you will be completely exhausted. NURTURE can help balance those hormonal levels and allow you to relax deeply during a period when sleep, rest and free time are low;
Getting to know your new baby, while trying to adapt to the demands of motherhood, can be a difficult balancing act. In Ayurveda, a strong emphasis is placed on the 42 days, or 6-8 weeks after childbirth. This is one of the most significant periods of a woman’s life, and one which will impact greatly on your health in years to come. It is vital for mum and baby that BOTH are NURTUREed during this period and NURTURE helps you do this, using ancient practices in an applicable and modern way to help you recover post-natally.
In western culture, it is very easy to jump back into workouts and working, and winter prey to the hamster-wheel of running until we burn out. A new mum should take every opportunity to rest while baby is resting. Mum should rely heavily on her partner (if possible,) as well as other family members and the support of friends. We help you create and build this ‘village’ network, even if you are parenting alone or don’t currently have support.
NURTURE presents you with opportunity to NURTURE yourself post-natally in a way that todays community doesn’t allow. Women NEED self-care and time to recover from giving birth, no matter how your pregnancy and birth progressed.
An 8 week block of classes for mum NURTUREment and recovery for both: A unique blend of YogaBellies therapies that you can start immediately after birth and can continue for as long as you wish post-natally. Important on caring for, bonding and communicating with your baby post-natally;
Our nurture classes are launching in January 2020 and you can book through your local yogabellies teacher. We are so excited to welcome you into our amazing community of women NURTUREing and supporting other women.
Contact us today for a yoga teacher training online classes.
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I’m an inclusive, not scary, totally normal yet heavily qualified yoga instructor and founder of YogaBellies® and the Birth ROCKS Method. I’m trained in self hypnosis and meditation and what I love is helping women (ALL women) enjoy yoga without having to whisper all the time and wear fancy activewear that cost a month’s rent.
I believe Yoga is for everyone.