Being on a strict diet can be hard on both your mind and body, leading to the risk of binge eating, a poor body image, low metabolism, fatigue, and many other issues. However, if you still want to lose weight without dieting, there are options without actually counting calories or living your life attached to your fitness tracker.
- Drink Your Water
This likely is not the first time you have heard this, but it bears repeating. You need to drink more water if you want to lose weight, with or without dieting. Water is important for so many reasons, from making sure you are hydrated, so giving you sustainable energy. It is also great when you don’t want to diet, but feel like you are constantly hungry. In many cases, you might actually be thirsty instead, so water can help you solve this problem.
A good rule of thumb that people like to use is if you feel hungry, drink a glass of water instead. If the hunger goes away, you were just thirsty. But if you’re still hungry, go ahead and eat.
- Aim for a Balance of Nutrients
When putting your meals together, you don’t need to count calories or macros just to lose weight. But it does help to look at the nutrients in your meals, and make sure all the most important ones are there. An easy way to do this is just to make sure you have at least one source of protein, fiber, fat, and carbohydrates. Sometimes, the balance is a little off where you have 2 carbs and protein, other times you have a little of each. But these nutrients help ensure you get what your body needs, without having to focus so much on every macro.
- Slow Down and Eat Mindfully
If you are eating your meals too fast, your brain doesn’t even have time to register how much you have eaten or how full you are. Try to slow down and not have outside distractions while you are eating. Eat each bite slowly and deliberately. Practice eating a meal without looking at a computer screen or watching TV. It can seem weird in the beginning, but this helps you focus more on your food and your own internal hunger cues.
- Keep Unhealthy Foods in the Cabinet
Instead of keeping the unhealthier foods, like chips and cookies, on the counter, hide them away in the fridge or cabinet. You aren’t keeping it out of the house completely, but you will only go for the food when you really crave it, as opposed to just seeing it on the counter and wanting it out of pure convenience.
To lose weight in a healthy way that’s not going to depress the life out of you and is actually easy to sustain?
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I’m an inclusive, not scary, totally normal yet heavily qualified yoga instructor and founder of YogaBellies® and the Birth ROCKS Method. I’m trained in self hypnosis and meditation and what I love is helping women (ALL women) enjoy yoga without having to whisper all the time and wear fancy activewear that cost a month’s rent.
I believe Yoga is for everyone.