Office Yoga can improve your mobility, meaning it can help lengthen those tight muscles and tendons.
We all know that sitting at an office desk for 8+ hours a day can cause you to get a sore lower back, stiff neck and tight hips and shoulders. The simple solution to help prevent this is introducing some office yoga meditation into your day with our handy introductory guide.
Practicing yoga poses and sequences at your office desk will help minimize discomfort throughout the day, making it easier for you to focus on work.
Instead of feeling fidgety with discomfort, try doing 5 minutes of yoga at your office desk for a mid-morning, midday, or mid-afternoon stretch that will leave you tension-free and energized.
We highly recommend watching this video for 5 minutes of Yoga exercises you can to at your desk or in the staff canteen:
Top Yoga Tip from Cheryl MacDonald from YogaBellies
‘Try practicing yoga in the office with our Top Yoga Tips;
Take 10 minutes at the start of each day to focus only on your breathing. Close your eyes and focus on the cool inhale and the warm exhale. If any thoughts come into your mind, acknowledge them and then let them go.
Yoga requires a few things that impact and reduce your stress level. The first stress-reducing component is breathing. Many yoga styles have a structured breathing protocol. When you focus on your breathing, it automatically lowers cortisol (a stress hormone) and it lowers your heart rate. This is a very important aspect of your mental and physical health and can be done at any time of day sitting at your desk.’
Here are 3 simple yoga poses you can do at your desk:
Scale Pose

Sit on the edge of your office chair and press your hands down on either side of your hips from this position raise your legs and bottom up off the seat. Engage your abdominal muscles by keeping them strong and the tops of your shoulders down. Hold this pose for 3 to 5 breath lower back down to your seat and repeat 2 times.
High Alter Pose

Sitting on your office chair inhale and lift your arms above your head. Clasp your hands and invert your palm. Lean to your left and hold for 5 to 8 breaths then repeat this on the opposite side.
Ankle to Knee

The third yoga pose involves place your left foot on your right knee, let the left knee drop open. Make sure your back is kept straight and you lean forward to stretch the muscles further. Hold this pose for 5 to 8 breaths then switch legs.

Top Yoga Tips from Cheryl MacDonald from YogaBellies
‘If you’ve been sitting at a desk all day…
Yoga can improve your mobility, meaning it can help lengthen those tight muscles and tendons. It can give you a better range of motion so that when you move your body, you do it in the most efficient and effective way possible. Not only will you feel better, you’ll stop having those awful aches and pains.
Top After Work Yoga Tip for Flexibility: Try hip opening postures such as Baddha Konasana (bound angle pose) or Eka Raja Kapoptasana (Pigeon pose) to open hip, pelvis and groin areas. These are easy and enjoyable postures which can be adapted for all levels.’
Contact us today for a yoga teacher training online classes.
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I’m an inclusive, not scary, totally normal yet heavily qualified yoga instructor and founder of YogaBellies® and the Birth ROCKS Method. I’m trained in self hypnosis and meditation and what I love is helping women (ALL women) enjoy yoga without having to whisper all the time and wear fancy activewear that cost a month’s rent.
I believe Yoga is for everyone.