There’s a complex process within our body which never sleeps, and affects our growth, procreation, moods, energy levels and sleep. It is called the endocrine system and its workers are known as hormones. It is responsible for controlling our fertility through periodic cycles in women and regulating the production of hormones.
When we have a hormonally healthy body, we create all of the hormones that our body needs for optimal wellness. When this is out of whack, this is a hormonal imbalance. At first, it could be very benign in that it doesn’t have many effects other than some weight gain, but as time goes on, it could create cellular anomalies like cancer.
Some of the basic symptoms could be tenderness in your breasts, weight gain around your midsection and thighs. Sudden decreases in your sex drive, mood swings, depression, difficult periods, problems in the gallbladder, and endometriosis.
It’s good to note that there are factors that can contribute heavily to the balance of your hormonal system, including the key life events and stages such as menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum and menopause. Diet is also a primary factor, because additives in food, and nutritional content have a great deal to do with the creation of hormones in your body, and some foods will controibutre or detract from hormonal bnalance.
Stress and other emotions can have a surprising effect on your hormones and the state of balance, but one of the best ways to gain some regulatory power of your hormones will be to practice a hormone balancing yoga regularly.
BUT it needs to be the right yoga practice. By choosing yoga poses that work to balance the entire endocrine system, as well as poses that target specific glands in the endocrine system, we can help to bring the hormonal system back into balance. When the hormones are balanced, many of these symptoms can be alleviated.
Yoga poses pressurize and depressurize specific glands. These subtle compressions and decompressions can regulate secretions. Yoga poses stimulate and balance endocrine function. Our natural design is to be operating at optimal heath, what is known as homeostasis – and this is our body’s way of coming back into balance throughout the rollercoaster of internal reactors that are triggered from external sources, eating and exercising habits, growth, rest and reproduction.
How we tie in our yoga to honour our hormones involves, quite simply, allowing room for it to be flexible and to practice in accordance with our needs throughout our monthly cycles.
By maintaining a good sleep pattern, taking regular exercise and rest, eating healthily and managing stress through yoga we can help balance in areas of digestion, metabolism and the nervous system which in turn will help the endocrine system to function in a healthy way.
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I’m an inclusive, not scary, totally normal yet heavily qualified yoga instructor and founder of YogaBellies® and the Birth ROCKS Method. I’m trained in self hypnosis and meditation and what I love is helping women (ALL women) enjoy yoga without having to whisper all the time and wear fancy activewear that cost a month’s rent.
I believe Yoga is for everyone.