So many yogipreneurs and yoga teachers I know are having an identity crisis. They started their yoga businesses because they wanted to help people, yet teaching yoga accounts for such a small portion of their workdays. They’re exhausted at the end of the day but can’t really say what they’ve done. Their identity crisis comes from working too hard IN their yoga business – like an employee – instead of working ON their business – like a CEO.
Since yogipreneurs are working solo, many straddle the line of being the CEO versus an employee, and that can weigh heavily on the strongest people. You’re experiencing the need to be a visionary (CEO) while also getting things done behind the scenes (employee). How long do you think this work pattern will be sustainable?
You’re still the CEO of your company – even if you are a yoga teacher – and if you feel like you need an extra 18 hours in your day to get your to do list complete, it’s time to make a CEO decision about hiring a team member. Once you can delegate some administrative tasks – such as bookkeeping, taxes, or customer service – you’ll regain some time in your day to visualize how you want your yoga company to grow while also serving your private clients.
But the idea of hiring can make some yoga teachers’ palms sweaty. This is a common fear but it’s one that will hold you back because you simply can’t do everything yourself.
Think of some of the biggest companies in the world. Do their CEOs have their hands in every aspect of the business? No, they have employees and middle management to handle those tasks. Do they worry about hiring employees or independent contractors? Probably not because they know instinctively that they can’t do all the work themselves.
If you have a difficult time wrapping your head around calling yourself the CEO, you’re not alone. Many yoga teachers follow their instincts about starting a yoga business and many don’t have formal business training or degrees. Sometimes those people who have experience in a corporate or office setting can relate to the CEO title a bit easier than a yoga teacher who is following their instincts and passion for yoga.
In this webinar we’ll talk about the roadblocks and fears that are holding you back from claiming your Yoga Business CEO title. It’s nothing to be ashamed of; nearly everyone has fears and roadblocks they need to conquer. It’s simply a part of being a human.
I’ll go through the steps I use with my own YogaBellies teachers to identify those fears and sometimes that is the most difficult part of this process. Take your time and really explore any feelings that come up during the process. Some fears may be easier to identify than others and sometimes the root causes of these fears can bring up troublesome feelings. The important part is that you continue the process.
Want to know more? Register here for my free upcoming webinar Yoga Business CEO Mindset: How to Identify and Clear All the Fears & Blocks Holding You Back from Reaching Your Next Level. Just click to register and get a free workbook too to keep you focused. Join me on Sunday the 10th of April at 8am UK time and 4pm SGT.
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I’m an inclusive, not scary, totally normal yet heavily qualified yoga instructor and founder of YogaBellies® and the Birth ROCKS Method. I’m trained in self hypnosis and meditation and what I love is helping women (ALL women) enjoy yoga without having to whisper all the time and wear fancy activewear that cost a month’s rent.
I believe Yoga is for everyone.