A beautiful guest blog from Yoga Bellies Teacher in Glasgow Southside, Ellie Higgins.
So after 8 months of ‘maternity leave’ filled with play dates, mummy and me yoga, baby sensory classes, swimming classes, book bugs, bounce and rhymes, coffee shops with the mums n bubs (with enough coffee and cake to keep me looking pregnant), spin classes, buggy fit and buggy pump in the park (to regain my post pregnancy bod or preferably a better one), it’s definitely time to do something else. Most mums panic (or some rejoice) about returning to work. I had to hand my notice in several months ago as they wanted me back flying when Flynn was just 5 months old which I had mixed emotions about.
On one hand, leaving baby and husband to cope for several days in a row terrified me but on the other hand, especially in moments of complete exhaustion (you know those ones at 3 am when baby just won’t go back to sleep), the thought of two days in Bangkok getting massages and eating exotic Thai food, or even just a night in the Manchester crew hotel eating cold room service excited me. But in reality, I couldn’t do it so I quit my job. But you can’t do anything forever not that looking after your baby is nothing oh no it is in fact way more than that.
Motherhood is a full-time job (forever) and there are many opposing opinions on working mums versus stay-at-home mums. Well, I wanted the best of both worlds who doesn’t? So how to get the best of both worlds? Work from home and own your own business (aka work in your PJs and bring baby to work?) I saw an advert on Facebook one day for YogaBellies which was a pregnancy yoga class I had been to myself when pregnant and had absolutely loved this ad said to run your own successful yet ethical business. Sold. After seconds of reading the advert, I was hooked. Do you love all things birth and baby? Well yes since having Flynn not only is this my life now but also my passion (not to mention a small addiction to watching children’s TV shows) It said are you sociable, committed, passionate willing to learn, and supportive? Yes and yes!
I watched them on dragons den and just thought wow. Everything just screamed ‘me’ so I ordered a prospectus, spoke with Cheryl the founder of this amazing company, and the next thing I was buying into the franchise. So now I am setting up my own Yogabellies business covering the Southside of Glasgow and am currently training to teach classes in YogaBelles yoga for women, YogaBellies for pregnancy and birth, and YogaBellies for mother and baby yoga for postnatal mums and baby and loving touch baby massage. Check out these amazing classes below.
So it’s all go from here with lots of training and study to be done in between full days with a fun-loving, very energetic and playful, not a big fan of napping little boy. Luckily I have stamina and not to mention a love of coffee. Planning to have the business up and running by early 2016 so watch this space…
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Free download for mums-to-be your guide to probiotics in pregnancy🧘🏽♀️
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I’m an inclusive, not scary, totally normal yet heavily qualified yoga instructor and founder of YogaBellies® and the Birth ROCKS Method. I’m trained in self hypnosis and meditation and what I love is helping women (ALL women) enjoy yoga without having to whisper all the time and wear fancy activewear that cost a month’s rent.
I believe Yoga is for everyone.