Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about how we all have different values and goals, and how this affects our overall happiness levels. My mum was an uber-successful businesswoman and I always admired her when I was growing up. She was doing exactly what she wanted, against all odds, as a single mother and she was happy and successful. She was (and still is!) my hero. When I went to University, I studied business and languages (hoping to follow in her footsteps.) I thought that THIS is the way to success, to live my best life. When I left uni, I worked in various roles in marketing and as a business analyst, but I just couldn’t find the same contentment and ‘success’ that my mum had. Not because I wasn’t any good in these roles, I just didn’t care about them. I didn’t feel like I was contributing anything to the universe. Seriously, how valuable is a tiny portion of a bigger process for a bank? I didn’t feel the passion and drive that my mum felt for her work and that was what drove her forward. I realized that success for me was totally different from my mum’s success. I love yoga, I’ve always loved yoga and when I started YogaBellies when Caelen was a baby, it was only ever meant to be a part-time endeavour. My genuine love and passion for female-focused yoga propelled my yoga business forward and made it so easy. I often joke and say YogaBellies grew by accident, but that’s not true at all. I worked my ass off, but it never ever felt like work! I still don’t feel as if I have a ‘real job’ because I like it too much lol. What I’m saying, is that if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to get out of the rat race or to become a yoga teacher as I did, I want to support you to do that. Even if you’re already teaching yoga but want to take it to the next level or give up the day job to devote all of your time to teaching, I can help. I’m hosting a free webinar, Are You Ready To Teach Yoga Fulltime? on Sunday the 20th of March at 8am GMT/4pm SGT. Here’s just some of what I’m going to talk about: Why it’s not enough to just want to get out of the corporate world—and how to know if you’re really cut out to be a yogipreneur.A 10-point yoga business start-up checklist—if you can’t confidently tick all the boxes, you may need to do a bit more work on your plan before turning in your resignation letter.4 support systems no fledgling yoga business can live without—and where to find them. If you’ve ever thought about changing direction or upping your yoga teaching game, this is for you. I’d love it if you could join me and feel free to pop me an email with any questions on this topic beforehand. Contact us today for a yoga teacher training online classes. Looking forward to seeing you there, lady! Sign Up for the Webinar for FREE Here Contact us today for a yoga teacher training online classes. Namaste, |
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I’m an inclusive, not scary, totally normal yet heavily qualified yoga instructor and founder of YogaBellies® and the Birth ROCKS Method. I’m trained in self hypnosis and meditation and what I love is helping women (ALL women) enjoy yoga without having to whisper all the time and wear fancy activewear that cost a month’s rent.
I believe Yoga is for everyone.