YES! And Here Is Why You Need To Change Up Your Yoga Practice Every Day ????????♀️
Sometimes we just feel too exhausted to do anything and we think, “ah I’m too tired, I’ll practice yoga tomorrow.” We all know that’s a load of nonsense and that when you actually get on the mat, you’re going to feel a hell of a lot better.
But how do you get on the mat?
The transition from ‘lying on the couch eating crisps’ to actually practising?
There are a couple of things to consider. If you’re feeling absolutely knackered, then the thought of a 90 minute hardcore Bikram practice is going to feel horrible. But how about a gorgeous 20 minute yin or restorative practice? How does that feel? Deep stretching and allowing yourself to actively relax? Your body is much more likely to benefit from kindness when you feel like this.
It’s important that we tune into and listen to what our body needs in the moment – because what we need changes day to day. When we do this we can choose the best yoga practice for us in the moment. Sometimes that will be high energy and sweaty and other days it may even just be a silent contemplation practice, there is no right or wrong.
Other factors that may affect which practice is best for you each day is where you are on your menstrual cycle, the phase of the lunar cycle, the season, the weather, your immediate environment, outside stressors and other commitments. Your yoga practice should work for you not against you. That’s why during the Yoga Life Reset, each day you will have the choice of one of 3 yoga practices to choose from – restorative, Luna and CorePlay – you’ll be tuning into what’s best for YOU each day.
There’s still time to join my ⭐️ Yoga Life Reset⭐️ homies! It lasts just 21 days. It takes only 20 mins a day to make real, positive changes to your yoga practice, on and off the yoga mat. Join me people!! Xx
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I’m an inclusive, not scary, totally normal yet heavily qualified yoga instructor and founder of YogaBellies® and the Birth ROCKS Method. I’m trained in self hypnosis and meditation and what I love is helping women (ALL women) enjoy yoga without having to whisper all the time and wear fancy activewear that cost a month’s rent.
I believe Yoga is for everyone.