As I just mentioned, CEOs are visionaries. Odds are, you created your yoga business because you had a big, audacious goal or dream. You had a vision.
The problem is that sometimes as you begin to bring that vision into reality, you realize it’s not as easy as you might have imagined. Your own fears and limiting beliefs can absolutely get in the way of bringing your own vision to life. The key is to find solutions to these problems you encounter instead of letting your emotions and self-doubt get in the way. Don’t know how to do something? Reach out to a friend or group and ask questions or ask for a referral to an expert or mentor who can help you.
Remember, you are the visionary, not necessarily the problem solver. The CEO should know how to reach out to find experts but should not bog themselves down with the nitty gritty of solving individual problems. That’s why you should aim to develop a team with capable contractors you can trust to solve these problems while you keep thinking ahead and developing action steps.
For example: You think every other yoga teacher is on TikTok so you start pouring enormous amounts of time and energy into learning the platform, when you already have a good thing going with your Facebook presence that felt easy and effortless. If you continue to pour all that time and energy into TikTok, it likely won’t yield the same results as someone who naturally feels aligned and drawn to the platform.
So, how do you avoid something like the above happening to you? How can you ensure that you’re able to bring your vision to life?
I give you permission to go back to basics when it comes to formulating strategies! A favorite mentor of mine always asks her clients, “What if it was easy?” Strategy doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. Start off with what you know, become an expert at it, then venture off to a new platform if you feel inclined.
Speaking in more general terms, to avoid copying other yoga teachers and to believe in crafting your own yoga business plans and strategies, you have to uncover the SPECIFIC fears that are holding you back. I’ll dig into the entire process in just a minute but for now, here are some common fears Yoga Business CEOs face. Do you recognize yourself in any of them?
- Fear of saying NO (you don’t want to miss the next big opportunity)
- Fear of making decisions (so you procrastinate or put them off)
- Fear of offending others (some yoga teachers are afraid to write polarizing content or speak to one specific person because of this fear)
- Fear of outsourcing or managing a team (it seems too complicated or expensive)
- Financial fears (fear you won’t make enough money or that you’ll lose it all if you do increase your income)
- Fear of success (you don’t know if you’re capable of handling more clients and more responsibility)
The list of fears goes on, but can you relate to any of these? If so, the good news is there’s an actual process you can follow to uncover your fears and clear them away so you can confidently step into the role of Yoga Business CEO and build your company, your way.
Want to know more? Register here for my free upcoming webinar Yoga Business CEO Mindset: How to Identify and Clear All the Fears & Blocks Holding You Back from Reaching Your Next Level. Just click to register and get a free workbook too to keep you focused. Join me on Sunday the 10th of April at 8am UK time and 4pm SGT.
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I’m an inclusive, not scary, totally normal yet heavily qualified yoga instructor and founder of YogaBellies® and the Birth ROCKS Method. I’m trained in self hypnosis and meditation and what I love is helping women (ALL women) enjoy yoga without having to whisper all the time and wear fancy activewear that cost a month’s rent.
I believe Yoga is for everyone.