A gorgeous blog about how YogaBellies has brought Peace, Love and Yoga into the life of Certified YogaBellies Teacher, and Teacher of the Year 2014, Audrey Victor’s life. Audrey teaches YogaBellies classes in the Newton Mearns area of Glasgow South Side.
YogaBellies & Me
As a YogaBellies teacher I can say that my work with women is unbelievably rewarding and gratifying. How could it not be? Supporting and empowering women at all stages of life through accessible and specialised women centred yoga classes. Providing a space for women to relax, replenish, re-energise and allow self-love! It frikkin ROCKS!!!
However the perks of this work extend far beyond the warm fuzzy feelings of dedicating my time and energy to these wonderful women who attend my classes.
So here is my lovely list of what being a YogaBellies teacher has done for my body, mind and spirit:
- Peace
For many years after the birth of my eldest son, Adam in 2004, working full time as an event manager, I struggled with a restlessness, a deep unrelenting feeling that I was not where was meant to be in my life as well as all the guilt that goes along with attempting to balance motherhood and a career. I plodded on until 2008 when fate, or the universe or my guardian angel kicked me up the ass, clearly tired of waiting for me to do something about. I lost my job and was delighted! Fast forward through completing a wonderful doula preparation, realising that this was where my passions lay, having another beautiful boy, Noah in 2010 and signing up for YogaBellies in 2011 and today I am heading into my 5th year of teaching. I have put to sleep that nagging feeling; I am where I am meant to be, undoubtedly. I have, in this area of life at least, found peace.
- Love
Through my ongoing work with women, my personal yoga practice and endless reading, training and sharing with my fellow YogaBellies teachers I have learned to love my wonderful, feminine body and spirt, and I mean really love and appreciate. I have such a heightened awareness of my cycle and have learned to respect the highs and lows each month brings, I listen to what my body’s needs and as much as I am able I take the time to nurture and respect these needs. I am only beginning to understand how magnificently powerful a woman’s spirt is and when we all get together, well, I believe anything is possible. I am comfortable in my skin, I love me!
- Yoga
It was the birth and baby side of things that took me to YogaBellies I liked yoga, it was something I had dabbled in on and off since I was 21. Now, I am in awe of yoga, it keeps me strong and fit, eases my anxiety, supports me through my crazy hormonal stages, calms my overactive mind, creates space in my life to contemplate. I am a better mother, wife and women because of my practice. Now I live yoga J
I wish you all Peace Love Yoga
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I’m an inclusive, not scary, totally normal yet heavily qualified yoga instructor and founder of YogaBellies® and the Birth ROCKS Method. I’m trained in self hypnosis and meditation and what I love is helping women (ALL women) enjoy yoga without having to whisper all the time and wear fancy activewear that cost a month’s rent.
I believe Yoga is for everyone.