Women often have sleeping problems that occur for a variety of reasons, including overwhelming stress or hormonal changes. Additional reasons for having problems with sleeping include having arthritic joints or sleep apnea. Fortunately, there are ways for women to improve the quality of their sleep through their yoga practice.

by increase blood flow to the brain’s sleep centre and decrease activity in the nervous system

  1. Stress is caused by several factors, and a lack of sleep will make you feel worse. While you are sleeping, your body’s adrenal glands produce healing hormones that help to prevent stress-related conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes mellitus. Yoga is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress at every life stage and helps balance stress hormones, which in turn impacts the sex and thyroid hormones.
  2. Females have other hormonal changes that can cause sleep disturbances. Before and during menstruation, you may have problems with abdominal cramping or moodiness. If a woman is pregnant, then not only will her hormones change rapidly, but also, she will experience changes in her body that makes it difficult to become comfortable while trying to sleep. A restorative or relaxing yoga practice before bed or a sleep meditation can help you get to sleep and stay asleep.
  3. Arthritic pain and osteo: it is difficult to sleep because you have pain in your joints, including in your hips, back or knees. If you manage to get to sleep, then you may wake up frequently as you move around in your sleep. Yoga is also fantastic for all kinds of arthritis and also osteoporosis which women suffer from.You can also seek alternative treatments such as body massages, whirlpool baths or acupuncture. In addition, replace an old sagging mattress with a newer supportive mattress. 
  4. If you feel tired all day despite sleeping for seven to nine hours, then you might have sleep apnea. Many women have sleep apnea without realizing it, and this condition can lead to additional health problems. you aren’t breathing properly at night, and this can damage your brain by decrease the amount of oxygen that reaches your brain. Yoga can help to reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea because yoga breathing exercises help to strengthen, tone, and open the upper airway muscles, and can significantly reduce stress and calm the mind, which can lead to better overall life quality.

HOW CAN YOGA HELP – try yoga poses such as uttanasana, halasana, and savasana to your nightly pre-sleep ritual. These particular poses will help relax your nervous system and encourage your mind to unwind from your day’s tension. A bedtime sleep meditation can also help. The breathing exercises you do for yoga can help a lot with insomnia. These are meant to get you to a relaxed state where you have a proper balance between your body and mind.


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