Promoting your classes and products online is a great way to earn money. Create top-notch offerings, and be honest about them. When you create something of your own, make it the best you are capable of making it. As long as you are completely honest about the classes and products you promote, you should not have any issues with promotion.
- Create Top Notch Yoga Classes and Products
Anything you do starts with the ‘products’ that you create. If your classes and products are not top-notch you will feel bad about trying to get people to buy into them because you will not feel honest or good about it. Instead of doing that, create a real honest-to-goodness offering that solves problems for your tribe in a way that no one else can. If you do that you’re going to feel great about promoting it to others in multiple ways because you’ll be proud of it!
- Find & Use Other Peoples Products and Services Prior to Promotion
If you promote other people’s products or services, (perhaps local physios, aromatherapists, masseuse,s etc) it’s important to try out at least a few of the services put out by that business. The reason is that unless you try it out you will have no idea whether the products are as good as they say they are. More than likely if you try a couple and they are of high quality you can be safe to promote the other services from that business. The truth is you’re just going to feel better if you know what they’re are like before you promote them to your people. Even exchange a yoga session for a massage for example so you can cross-promote.
- Be Honest About Every Offering
If you are always honest about every offering that you promote, focusing on the problems it solves for your people, you’ll never go wrong. The blog posts you write, the sales pages that you create, everything is designed to promote the solutions the offering provides. If you can remember to focus on solutions, you’ll write honest promotional materials about each class or product and feel good about it.
- Under Promise and Over Deliver
TV advertising often focuses on something called “puffery” and that is actually an acceptable thing to do in advertising. “This is The BEST Widget you’ll Ever Need” this is puffery. You really don’t know if it’s the best widget but you say that because right now you believe it to be true. Lying would be something like, “You’ll Lose 100 lbs. in 1 Month” using our product. You know that’s impossible so to say so would be lying. Instead, create marketing and advertising that tells the truth about your classes or offerings so that when they try it, they’re blown away by how awesome it is.
Creating and promoting classes and services that you know to be effective will not require you to do anything sleazy. In fact, when you know about offerings that can truly help your audience, not promoting them would be much worse.
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As a top online pregnancy yoga teacher trainer, we provide the best training.
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I’m an inclusive, not scary, totally normal yet heavily qualified yoga instructor and founder of YogaBellies® and the Birth ROCKS Method. I’m trained in self hypnosis and meditation and what I love is helping women (ALL women) enjoy yoga without having to whisper all the time and wear fancy activewear that cost a month’s rent.
I believe Yoga is for everyone.