☮️What do YOU get out of EMPOWER?
Let’s talk about YOU will get – as a woman and a teacher – from joining the EMPOWER yoga teacher training course. Ok, you get a Yoga Alliance International YTT-300. You’re qualified to teach pregnancy, postnatal and baby, menopause and yoga for the menstrual cycle. You become an expert in each female life stage. You find out to start and grow your yoga business, from someone that’s done it from the ground up.
????But why is EMPOWER different from your standard YTT?
????What do you get from it personally?
????It’s very much a journey of personal empowerment and embracing a yoga lifestyle.
????????We begin with deep shadow work and cleansing: We look at where you’re at right now and what’s holding you back. We create your personal EMPOWER plan to get you from where you are now – physically and emotionally – to where you want to be.
????We learn about the female archetypes and the goddesses that embody each stage of our lives. So even if we’re not in menopause right now, we understand how we can embody the Wise Woman/Crone archetype and how to appreciate those strengths and harness that energy.
????We learn how to embrace our physical and emotional changes and challenges inherent to being a woman. We look in-depth at hormones; how they affect our lives and how to use yoga, feminine self-care practices and nutrition to help balance them .
????We focus on self-love and appreciating who we are. It’s not about being a different person, just about allowing yourself to be the very best version of you.
????It’s about becoming part of a global sisterhood – bonding and collaborating with women across the globe and making friends for life.
????Everyone who joins EMPOWER is there for a different reason. You may already be a yoga teacher, you may be an aspiring teacher, you may work with women in other modalities or perhaps you’re someone that just needs that time to focus on themselves and their personal wellness. Wherever you are in life or whatever your reasons, all women can benefit from EMPOWER.
☮️ If you want to know more about our May ‘22 training, click here. ????????♀️Got questions? Book a call with me to chat more.
Contact us today for a yoga teacher training online classes.
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I’m an inclusive, not scary, totally normal yet heavily qualified yoga instructor and founder of YogaBellies® and the Birth ROCKS Method. I’m trained in self hypnosis and meditation and what I love is helping women (ALL women) enjoy yoga without having to whisper all the time and wear fancy activewear that cost a month’s rent.
I believe Yoga is for everyone.